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"Caitlin, can you open the door please? I need to talk to you." Micah's voice emitted from the front door followed by the soft banging of his fist. I groaned out loud setting my wine glass and book down on the table. I was having the most peaceful relaxing evening and the disturbance rattled me.

I tied my silk gown covering up my bra clad breasts and underwear. Being semi-nude in the comfort of my own home all alone was magnificent even though I'd much rather have the company of Dominic.

"Hey." I opened the door and he wasted no time in stepping inside.

Micah wrapped his arms around me for a brief hug and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry for being the worst brother ever." He apologised tightening his hold nearly to the point of suffocation. A small smile graced my lips when he pulled away and looked at me with a sullen expression.

"Yurik got to you?" I asked laughing slightly.

Micah shook his head. "No. Dominic did. He threatened to break my knees if I don't sort out my shit but please don't tell Yurik. I kind of needed to hear it."

My eyes widened. "He said that?"

"Yes. He made me realise what a trash person I've been lately, caught up in my own bullshit and failing to see who I'm hurting." Micah muttered and we both took a seat at the kitchen table. I poured him a glass of wine and he took it appreciatively.

"Micah, it's really not-"

"No, let me take responsibility." He interrupted giving me a look and I had a feeling Dominic did a lot more than just threaten him.

"You're my sister, mi hermana and I'm barely in your life. I wasn't even at your graduation and I am so sorry. The...chat with Dominic opened my eyes and made me understand how selfish I've been. With you and Yurik." Micah mumbled the last sentence and took a sip of the deep red wine. I had to admit that Micah not showing up for my graduation hurt me more than I'd like to admit.

"Yurik really likes you. You need to stop pushing him away." I said and clasped my hands together.

"I know I do. It's just so hard when Papa and the Romanovs-"

"Wait, you knew?" I asked and perked up in the seat.

"Shit," He whispered and looked to the side. "I was going to tell you but Mama told him it's best if you didn't know." Micah said. Why was my mother so dead-set on me not finding out?

"Wow," I breathed out. "How long have you known?"

"Only a few months. Once I found out about the rivalry, I stopped visiting him because I didn't want him to find out I'm with the enemy. It's so fucked up and I don't know what to do anymore." Micah said solemnly and I nodded. It was a shitty situation to be in and I understood fully.

"Yurik says he doesn't care and I'm sure Dominic doesn't care too but I'm still scared. That's why I'm trying to stay away from Yurik but it's hard. He's so persistent." Micah said and a small smile brightened up his face. I could see that he cared deeply, even though he struggled to show it sometimes.

I leaned back into my seat taking it the information I had just found out. Perhaps I was making it a bigger deal than what it was - perhaps I was looking too deep into it.

"Look, I promise I'm going to be better, okay?" Micah said. "Dominic made sure of that." He mumbled so lowly that I barely heard him.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" I asked frowning.

"My feelings, yes." Micah laughed. "That one has no filter but he's just looking out for you and his brother."

I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 8pm and I haven't heard from Dominic since he left which was only a few hours ago. Usually he would text throughout the day. Maybe he's just busy

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now