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TW; gore, mentions of rape.


"See you again, angel." I greeted the beautiful woman with a quick kiss against her soft lips. It took everything in me not to wrap my hand around her neck to deepen it and have my way with her, again.

She gave me a tired smile, almost seductively and I groaned before rushing out of her room.

The little she-devil had me by the balls and she didn't even know it.

My dick was still hard from eating her out and I looked down. How the fuck am I supposed to hide this?

I clenched my jaw trying to adjust the bulge with the palm of my hand to make it less obvious. It didn't help that I could still taste her essence on the tip of my tongue, reminding me of what I had just experienced. It made blood rush down to my cock making me want to turn around and shove it inside of her warm wet pussy again.

My mood changed entirely as soon as I exited her secured apartment complex, the erection dying down immediately at the thought of why I had to leave.

"I'm sick of this shit. Always fucking interrupting me." I muttered to myself, probably looking like a mad man as I rushed to where my driver, Kuzma, awaited.

He shoved his phone into his pocket when he saw me approaching the Mercedes and I climbed into the back seat, taking a deep breath in. Kuzma cleared his throat and looked at me knowingly but with one glare from me he diverted his gaze to the road ahead.

"Not a word." I warned him. Nobody could know that I had left the bar to fuck a woman, it went against every rule I had made for myself.

However, when my eyes caught sight of her slender tanned back, and the curve from her waist all the way down to her ass as she sat on the stool, I just couldn't help myself. I just had to have a little taste.

She was the most breathtakingly stunning woman I had ever laid my eyes on. Thank fuck she wasn't shy because heaven knew how I couldn't stand shy girls.

"You got it, boss. Where are we headed?" Kuzma asked starting the car. I trusted that he wouldn't say anything, it was his head on a stick if he did so happen to speak out of turn and he knew that.

"Work. I have a guest waiting for me." I said leaning back into the seat and looking out the window.

"Guest? Ah, I see." He said with a nod of his head.

"A very special one."

Twenty minutes later we were driving through the mountains where our large mansion was situated on a hill overlooking the city. To avoid suspicion, from the outside it looked like a regular family home.

"You can stop here. Go home, Kuzma. I'll drive myself when I'm done." I told him before opening the door and stepping out. He looked at me in surprise, and almost relief undoubtedly happy to finally go home to his wife and kids. I always preferred driving alone.

"Thank you, Mr. Romanov." He said appreciatively but I waved him off. It was dark but I trailed through the incline pathway, greeted the guards with a nod and walked until I reached the front double doors. I looked at the time on my watch, 01:40. It was late but I preferred it that way.

"Took you long enough." My little brother, and also my right hand man greeted me sounding exasperatedly annoyed. If he wasn't blood I would have surely cut his tongue out for addressing me in that tone. I glared at him but he only smirked in response like the little brat he was.

"Watch it. I'm not above breaking a knee or two." I scowled walking past him and through the foyer. He followed next to me.

"You should watch it. You have 'I just got fucked' hair." Yurik reached his hand up to my head but I hit it away, my eyebrows furrowing.

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