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This was a double update so make sure you read chapter 20 before this


I woke up horny as fuck.

It didn't help that Dominic's arm was protectively wrapped around my stomach and his bare bulge was flushed against my ass. The sunlight peeked through my sheer curtains aiding in pulling me out of my slumber but all I could think about was the dick pressed against me.

I wiggled my hips and proceeded to shove myself closer to him. Wake the fuck up.

"If you wanted to fuck..." Dominic's hoarse morning voice halted my movements and he gripped my hip tightly. "You could've just told me."

"Shut up." I croaked. The feeling of need spread through me like wildfire and I could feel my pussy throbbing desperately for his touch. I didn't want foreplay - I didn't want the unnecessary trimmings. I just needed a quick morning fuck to get my bearings straight.

Dominic wordlessly looped his fingers into the hem of my underwear and dragged it down my thighs.

The excitement I felt in that moment took control of every part of me as I waited to be filled by him. He scooted closer to me until our heads were resting on the same pillow and the space between us was non-existent. I kicked the thin white cover off exposing our nakedness and allowing the sunshine to highlight our bodies.

His tattooed thigh against mine turned me on notably and my patience was wearing thin. He kissed my shoulder before his hand found its way between my legs. Dominic clasped my inner thigh and lifted it to allow easier access. I could already feel how hard he was - it was pressed against me in the most daunting way.

"Come on." I demanded softly and wiggled my ass closer to him. I sounded like a desperate mess but I had no time to ponder on it before the tip of his dick was slowly inching into me. I couldn't see his face but I could picture his expression vividly.

"Oh." My body jerked when his tip passed through the tight opening and he gradually started stroking my inner muscles.

It hurt in the most pleasurable way and I grabbed the sheets in my fist in an attempt to compose myself. He waited for me to get used to his size before moving again.

"I've always wanted to do this." Dominic whispered and wrapped his hand around my neck. The satisfaction of having him fully inside me with my ass squashed against his pelvis was borderline orgasmic.

He moved and my lips parted with a throaty moan. He moved again and my eyes rolled back into my head. His hand tightened but not to the point of suffocation as he kept it firmly on my neck acting as a guidance to his unbelievably deep strokes.

"Fuck, angel." Dominic breathed out. Even on our sides he managed to fuck me so good that I could barely let out coherent words.

He rolled us over pressing my stomach flat against the mattress with his large body covering mine completely. I let out a loud groan as he went deeper than before but it got muffled by the palm of his hand. Dominic silenced my cries of pleasure into inaudible murmuring.

I pressed my palms on the bed with the intentions of getting on all fours but he roughly pushed me back down and I had no choice but to succumb to his quiet demand of telling me to be still.

My body hitched uncontrollably with each hard thrust as he laid his full weight on me ensuring that I wouldn't move. With one hand still on my mouth and the other gripping my waist, I felt enclosed within his space.

"Shh, my good girl."

He pulled out fully, letting his tip linger at my entrance for a few seconds before slamming down so hard that my eyes widened in shock.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now