Bonus Chapter - Valentine's Day.

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"Shit," I gasped, breathing hard as Dominic fucked me from behind.

"I know, baby. I know," he grunted, holding onto my hips as he thrust into me. He was rough, slamming into me with no remorse and all I could do was lay there and take it. I whimpered, clutching the sheets in my fists while he fucked me into the mattress.

Dominic's strokes were deep, consistent- sliding in and out of me at a pace I couldn't keep up with. With one hand on my hip and the other gripping my ass cheek, his touch was anything but gentle.

I groaned, reaching under me to clutch my lower stomach while I struggled to contain my never-ending moans. So deep.

He grunted, laying an open mouth kiss on the back of my neck and grazing his teeth over my skin. It was painful, but the good kind of pain that had tingles travelling down my spine. My pussy throbbed around him, and my clit ached for another source of friction.

"You feel so fucking good," his voice was a near whimper, and his lips never left me as he spoke.

He grinded into me, rolling his hips in a way that he knew I loved. No matter how many times Dominic showed me what a good fuck he was, every time felt the first fucking time. I was unable to hold myself up anymore and my front met the mattress. Dominic didn't falter, changing the angle of his strokes to meet that spot in me that had my body hitching uncontrollably.

"Fuck," I grunted through gritted teeth, clenching my eyes shut.

My pussy twitched, and I heard Dominic inhale a sharp breath.

"You okay, baby?" Dominic breathed, stroking my hair away from my face.

I nodded, but Dominic was one for verbal responses. Even knowing that, I couldn't bring myself to utter a word. He was making me feel so good I wasn't sure I could let out a cohesive sentence.

"Let me hear you," he slammed down, harder and more aggressive than before and it was a warning he didn't hesitate to give me.

I swallowed hard, "Yes. Dammit- I-"

I wasn't sure how that sounded but he seemed satisfied with my answer. Dominic trailed his fingers down my back, sliding it over my stomach to engulf my hand in his own.

With his guidance, he let my own fingertips meet my clit. He circled, making my eyes roll into the back of my head in pure and heavy ecstasy. He knew exactly where to caress and stroke. It didn't matter that he couldn't see - Dominic knew my body the way he knew the tattoos on his hands.

"Such a good girl, aren't you?" he whispered, never changing the pace of his thrusts. Consistency was key and Dominic knew that.

The feeling was intense. Borderline overwhelming. I felt it in every part of me, giving me a high that was no match for anything that wasn't him.

"Take it for me," he murmured, peppering kisses on my jawline while the side of my face pressed into our silk sheets.

My pussy clenched around him, drawing another groan from his chest and I found myself wanting to see him. And it was like he read my mind.

Dominic pulled out of me, grabbing my hips to turn me around and lay my back onto the mattress. He grabbed my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist and wasted no time in sliding into me again.

My husband was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

He held himself up, trapping me between his arms while he gazed down at me through lust filled eyes. His palms next to my head, the silver ring on his finger a reminder that he was mine. Only mine. His lips parted, eyes darting from mine to my lips and he bent down to kiss me.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his breath mingling with my own. His mouth met mine and his tongue stroked my bottom lip until I was giving him the access he wanted. I sucked it softly, enjoying the taste of him while my nails trailed down his back.

He gasped into my mouth, and I had come to known that Dominic liked a little bit of pain too. He especially enjoyed it when I dragged my nails over his flesh. His mouth stayed on mine as he clasped one hand underneath my ear, and the other hand ventured down to cup one of my breast.

"All mine," he said, pressing his forehead against mine. "yeah?"

"Of course," I breathed, tightening my legs around to him to pull him impossibly closer.

The pleasure of it all almost had on the brink of tears. Then, Dominic bent down, latching his mouth onto my nipple and I was convinced that if I wasn't laying down, I would have collapsed right there. He sucked, moaning around my skin and the vibrations travelled through me.

"I love you so fucking much, angel," he said, and my heart swelled at the same time my pussy twitched around him.

I grabbed his hair in my fist, forcing him to look at me. "I love you. So much more."

He grinned, and it was the most beautiful sight. His messy hair, his glowing cheeks and his redden lips. There was not a day that went by where Dominic didn't make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

Dominic gave my nipple one last kiss, not forgetting to show some love to the other while at the same filling me up with him completely.

He pulled out, reaching between us to slide his dick through my wet pussy lips. He circled the tip over my clit, applying enough pressure to have my head falling back onto the mattress. My chest heaved, a thin layer of sweat forming on my skin while I let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to.

It was unexpected, but fuck, it felt so fucking good. He entered me again, reaching up to grip my throat. I loved it when he left his mark on my skin, and he had no problem doing so as he tightened his hold.

"Pretty girl," he murmured, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I loved it when he showered me with compliments and the praise had my belly tensing up with an impending orgasm. Dominic's eyes were low and sensual and he looked at me as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world. God, I love him more than words can articulate.

"I'm going to cum in you," he breathed, and his jaw clenched. Dominic held himself up, and his head nestled into my neck. Those strong shoulders. Those strong arms. His tanned and tattooed skin. I never wanted to lose him.

I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck while Dominic fucked me into a state of delirium. Our orgasm came together. My entire body convulsed underneath him while he grunted into my neck. It didn't take long before something warm spurted inside me and our moans were in sync. Dominic's moans were the second best part of fucking him.

So fucking good.

A smile of awe formed on my lips as Dominic rolled over, slumping down on the mattress. We laid there, breathing heavily as we stared at the ceiling of our bedroom.

I'm pretty sure that was how our baby was made but there was no way to really tell.

Dominic's smile matched mine, and like clockwork, he reached his fist out to me and my grin broadened. I touched knuckles with him, and it immediately turned into a memory I would cherish forever.

"Happy Valentine's Day, angel," he whispered, turning onto his side to clear my hair from my face.

"Happy Valentine's Day, handsome," I murmured, grabbing his hand to give his fingers the gentlest kiss.

There was no place in the world where I'd rather be than right there with my husband.

• • •

More bonus chapters??

For those of you who might have missed it, I've started rewriting Alessandro and uploading it.

Thank you for reading <3 ily

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