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"Are you ever going to tell me what you did with Andrew and David?" I asked and took another spoonful of my ice-cream.

Dominic complained about being full but still ordered a choco-cara-nilla sundae with extra toppings. Just the thought of it made me want to gag out loud so I opted for a simple vanilla scoop with a drizzle of chocolate sauce. The ice cream was made by an elderly Italian man called Riccardo and it was the best thing I've ever tasted.

Besides Dominic's cum.

"Let's just say they're not putting their hands on anyone...ever again." He stated and popped a glazed cherry into his mouth. How he managed to stay fit was beyond me.

"Why not?" I asked and crossed my legs underneath me. My underwear was open to his view but it wasn't like he hadn't literally been inside me.

"Because they don't have any." He said and I choked on the ice cream.

"Nice!" I high-fived him and he grinned before grabbing my hand and giving my palm a kiss. I didn't feel a sliver of guilt because I was entirely sure they deserved it.

Dominic did his research and figured that the both of them were working together to lure women in to try and prey on them. It was done before but the charges were dropped for whatever reason and Dominic made sure they were going to pay for what they did.

"I was so happy that you told me instead of being all secretive about it and wanting to fix it on your own," he said and then raised his hand defensively. "not that there's a problem with you wanting to do it on your own because, you know, independency and shit. But I liked that you came to me."

With a shake of my head, I smiled. "It's nice knowing there's someone who cares about me the way you do."

"It's nice having someone to care for." He shrugged and put his spoon in his mouth. Dominic was a provider, a giver and an excellent supporter. He didn't push and he didn't force his emotions on me. He allowed me to go at my own pace and I was so fucking grateful.

"Dominic, you're always giving and giving. What have I given you?" I asked solemnly and then looked up at the sky.

"That mouth does wonders, angel." He said with a flirtatious smirk and I gasped giving him a playful hit on the arm.

"I'm not talking about that! Look at this incredible date you planned. Sometimes I push you away and you take a step back but you're still there. You're...really fucking amazing." I said honestly. Dominic set his bowl down and sat up right. He was looking at me with a soft expression and for a moment I feel myself crumble.

"You don't push me away. We're just taking it easy, right?" He asked and I nodded before taking another bite. I was scared of getting attached but I was already long past that point. If Dominic stepped out of my life and decided that he had enough of me, it would hurt.

"You never take it easy on me." I muttered and winced as thoughts of him fucking me came to mind.

"Because you like it." Dominic responded and placed his hand on my inner thigh, really close to the lace fabric of my underwear.

"I do." I admitted. "One day I'm going to tie you up and I'll be the one to fuck you and show you whose boss."

He chuckled. "You are already the boss, angel."

"I am?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes. You're the one who decides how far I go, how hard I go. You're the one who chooses the limits and what's acceptable and everything in between. I just go with it." Dominic said and gave my thigh a gentle squeeze.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now