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Lucas was very touchy.

Any chance he got he would be touching my shoulder, my waist and even once his hand would hover over the bare part of my cleavage. I knew this was what I signed up for but that fact didn't stop me from nearly gagging at his touch.

Luckily he hadn't picked up on anything yet.

He wanted to take me to bed, it was obvious in the way his eyes would glaze over with lust and he would squeeze me closer to him. We were sitting side by side on the couch, his arm draped over my shoulders and a weirdly proud look on his face as if I were some sort of trophy.

While I was hauled up into his side, his eyes would still wander the club floor at all the women. My patience was wearing thin, the need to get it over and done with hit tenfold. I was sick of him. I wanted to be within arms that made me feel warm and comfortable, not uneasy and unnerved.

While he continued chatting my ear off about something pointless, I eyed the small table besides him, occupied by a wide and shallow glass filled with brown liquid and ice. I looked towards the guards and they had their back turned towards us, the exact way Dominic had explained.

"You interested in one of my men?" Lucas asked suddenly and my head snapped towards him. The prior conversation came to halt as he caught me apparently checking out one of his guards.

I laughed. "No, of course not."

"Really? Who are you interested in?" He asked licking his lower lip and I let my eyes fall down to his mouth, enticing him. Man, I really didn't want to kiss him.

"Let me show you." I whispered trailing my fingers down his hard chest. He wore a white shirt with the first few buttons undone, giving me a peek of the gold chain around his neck. Lucas was gorgeous, in a dark daunting way and any other scenario I wouldn't have minded getting with him.

Dominic better not be watching.

His body tensed and for a second I thought he had finally caught onto the act but he smirked and before I knew it I was being pulled into his lap. I yelped in surprise when I sank onto a really hard bulge.

"Show me." He said softly and leaned back, resting both arms onto the back of the couch.

I didn't hesitate when I bent down, wrapping one hand around his head and pushing my lips against his. His lips were soft and he tasted like my favourite drink but the kiss did nothing for me. No chills, heart palpitations or the faintest pussy throb. Just nothing.

"Open your mouth." Lucas demanded against me and I obeyed. I stopped a dry heave forming in my chest when his tongue pushed past my lips and swirled around with mine. He was rough, dominating and left me no room to catch up.

It wasn't like Dominic's kisses at all and the brat in me wanted to bite his tongue off for being too controlling.

Both his hands reached down to my ass groping it and grinding me against him. While he did that, my arm reached out to his drink. In a split second the ring around my index finger was flicked open by the nail of my thumb and the contents spilled into his whiskey. To the naked eye, or camera it would've seemed like I was just casually picking up the glass.

I pulled away, pretending to take a sip even though it just slightly wet my lips. "Let me show you in private, does that sound good?"

Say yes.

Lucas smiled, taking the glass from my hand and downing the whiskey until only ice remained. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait to fuck you." He whispered setting the glass down and kissing my neck. I moaned throwing my head back and allowing him to do whatever he wished to.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now