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"Hi sweetheart. How are you today? Do you want to make two thousand?" Yurik grinned into the phone while scooting towards the opposite end of the table. He was side eyeing me and I glared at him, immediately shutting my laptop. We were the only two in the boardroom and he better not be talking to who the fuck I think he's talking to.

"Two thousand cash yes." He said nodding his head.

"That was a fucking joke! You wouldn't need to sell any of your body parts." Yurik yelled and leaned back into the chair spinning around before looking up at the ceiling in frustration.

"No. I promise it's not a trick." He continued speaking and I narrowed my eyes at him. Yurik was yet again doing whatever he wished to without consulting others.

"You're fucking broke but you're saying no to an easy 2K. That makes no sense. Haven't you got any ambition?" Yurik asked looking extremely annoyed at the rejection. My shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit as I watched his face crumble.

"You have a degree? Then where's the stable job, sweetheart?"

My jaw dropped as he placed a sickly sweet smile on his face and cooed into the phone. I shook my head - my brother had absolutely no filter but I guess it was one thing we had in common. I could hear the voice of Caitlin speaking ever so faintly but I wasn't able to make out what she was saying.

"Stop yelling at me!" He shouted before pulling the phone away from his ear and looking at me with a shocked expression. "She's the first girl to ever yell at me. She's amazing." Yurik complimented softly and I rolled my eyes.

Caitlin would yell at anybody.

"All you'll have to do is put a little honesty drug into a little man's drink and learn a little information. Easy." Yurik muttered casually with a shrug. As soon as I darted out of my seat, his eyes widened and he jumped up. He pressed his back into the wall and held a hand out to me. He was pointing a knife at me and I glared at him - how the fuck did he manage to get that out so fast?

"She's not doing that." I said through gritted teeth. It was far too dangerous.

"Take one more step and I'm telling her your dirty little secret." He threatened still pointing the tip of the knife in my direction. He looked at the phone for a split second and that was my opportunity to lunge forward. I grabbed his wrist hard and locked his arm underneath mine until the knife was pointing at his neck instead.

Yurik was good with knives but agility was my strength. He stood no chance as my grip on him tightened and his face contorted into pain.

"You wouldn't fucking dare. Tell her you change your mind and that it's too dangerous." I growled at him before grabbing the knife out his hand and pushing him away from me. I flipped it closed and shoved into my pants pocket. Yurik scowled before he smirked.

"Hey Caitlin, did you know Domo over here likes to-"

"Shut the fuck up. God, you're so fucking annoying." I said in complete irritation and plopped down into the seat. I rubbed my hand over my face and took a deep breath in.

Yurik grinned and straightened his suit jacket wiping away the creases. "So, you're in?"

Please say no.

"Good! We'll come over in an hour to discuss everything."

He put the phone off and looked at me with a smug expression. I wanted to shoot him in the face.

"Yurik - please explain to me why you're doing this?" I spoke in my mother tongue. My English failed me when I felt in any way upset or bothered.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now