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I must have gone mad.

"Thank you." Dominic muttered after taking the last sip of his tea. Cute.

The two men screamed power and money but yet they made themselves at home in my tiny apartment. Yurik was laying on the couch with his head on the armrest, lounging lazily as he watched the television. His tea was long gone and he had taken it to the kitchen himself after he was done.

Both of their guns were on the glass table, right next to my weed. I would smoke but sativa made me way too horny to be around Dominic when I knew I couldn't have him.

"You're welcome." I said and took the empty cup from Dominic's hands, stopping him from getting up. My fingers just barely brushing over his but I could feel the slight warmth he was radiating.

If Yurik wasn't here...

They managed to explain everything to me in finer detail but before they did that, I had already drawn the conclusion that I wanted to do it. It was possible that I had too much self-confidence but the thought of it excited me in ways I couldn't explain.

It made me feel good that Dominic and Yurik had faith in me, well, Yurik more than Dominic I could tell. He was a bit hesitant and he had a sceptical look in his eye that only fuelled the need for me to show him otherwise.

They went into detail about how I would need to act, talk...seduce. That was a topic that really got Dominic clenching his jaw and I couldn't help but smirk at the jealousy he was very obviously trying to hide but no doubt failing.

Little did he know that he had ruined every single man for me.

I was convinced nobody would exceed the standard that Dominic had set but would I admit that to his face? Probably yes. Unapologetically so too.

"Wait, what does this guy look like?" I asked sitting down on the couch and facing my body towards him. I didn't know what I was expecting but when Dominic opened the laptop and showed me a mug shot, my eyes widened.

He looked to be in his late twenties, sporting a dark buzz cut and a neatly trimmed beard. He had a black eyebrow piercing and I could see the tattoos sneaking up his neck stopping just below his jawline. Lucas was smirking with his head tilted up slightly, almost mockingly and that alone told me the man feared no one.

"Holy shit, he's fine." I blurted without thinking. The laptop was slammed closed and I jumped.

Yurik let out a loud laugh and shook his head. "Be careful, sweetheart. This one is about to go all woof woof snarl grr on your ass."

I looked at Dominic and he was glaring, not at Yurik or me but at the laptop. "This won't work if you're attracted to him." He said but something in his tone was harder and I narrowed my eyes at him. Yurik was watching with his mouth formed in an 'O'

"I never said I was attracted to him. There's a difference." I defended.

"It's written all over your face, Caitlin." Dominic said still avoiding my gaze and I looked at him appalled.

"You should know what my face looks like when I'm attracted to someone and that was not it." I snapped and this made his eyes finally meet mine. Wait, I shouldn't be defending myself.

"Should I?" He teased.

I opened my mouth to speak but a loud ringing through the silent living room stopped me. It was Yuriks phone on the table and a picture of...Micah popped up. I frowned - the little fucker doesn't even call me.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now