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6 months later

I've never felt so fucking nervous in my entire life.

Yurik stood beside me on the altar, laughing at my nerve-stricken face. My hands were sweaty, my heart pounding in my chest, my throat felt tight and my tuxedo suddenly seemed a size too small.

Why is this air so hot?


I took a deep breath in, clasping my hands together at my zipper and fiddling with my thumbs. I never felt that amount of edginess before, not even in the face of death and it seemed like time was moving in slow motion.

I glanced to the small crowd, hoping that the familiar faces of my family would calm me down but no, it only fuelled my peaking anxiety.

Why was I so scared? I had no reason to be so scared. It wasn't like I was marrying a stranger. I was marrying my angel with the beautiful face and beautiful personality and beautiful...everything. Shit.

What if she changed her mind? What if she took one look at me standing there waiting for her and went, 'nope, i don't want you anymore' What if she realised that I wasn't worthy of her love?

I never used to be an over thinker so why the fuck was I starting now?

"Domo, you need to calm down. You look ready to shoot the entire place down." Yurik said and I glared at him.

"You would be an absolute wreck if this was you standing here. Let me be nervous in peace." I retorted, returning my gaze to the long aisle. At least we were outside and not in an enclosed space, it would've made my uneasiness so much worse.

"Yes but you're supposed to look happy and not as if you're marrying someone you don't want to marry." He said and my eyes widened.

"I am happy! Does it look like I'm not happy? Shit, she's probably going to think I don't want to do this." I said hastily, wiping my palms on my jacket. I tried to smile but it turned into a grimace and Yurik burst out laughing.

"Don't do that ever again. Just breathe, it's just Caitlin. She's not a stranger." Yurik said, giving me a comforting pat on the shoulder. My breath shuddered and I wiped a hand over my face. Why is this taking so long?

"I know but fuck-" The priest cleared his throat, interrupting me and my head snapped towards him. I completely forgot he was there.

"Swearing in front of the priest, Domo. You should be ashamed of yourself." Yurik taunted, shaking his head and pursing his lips in disapproval.

"Shut up." I grumbled, looking down the aisle. My heart literally trembled when the familiar red sports car belonging to my father stopped at the end.

Yurik nudged the priest on his arm. "Look at how nervous he is. Isn't that adorable?"

I couldn't pay attention to them and the casual conversation they were having while I was nearly about to collapse on the altar. My father stepped out of the car and rounded the hood, stopping at the passenger's side. I watched nervously as he opened the door and took Caitlin's hand to help her step out.

My mouth dropped.

"Holy..." I breathed, suddenly remembering the priest in my presence. "Fudge." I finished.

"Whoa." I gawked. She looked so perfect, so beautiful and my chest swelled with pride. She was all mine.

She wasn't carrying a flower bouquet or wearing a veil. Her dress was a simple white silk, spaghetti strapped, long and tight around the hips with a slit up her tanned leg. In her own words 'I'm not wearing a fucking ball gown'

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now