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One week later

"Are you ready?" Yurik asked, offering me a hand and I gratefully took it. I stood up and straightened out my dress, giving him a thankful smile that he half-heartedly returned.

We were both trying so hard to stay strong.

"I've never been more ready." I said, nodding my head and putting my game face on. My blood was hot with a fierce anger but my heart, my heart was completely shattered into a million remains.

It consumed me so much that I would find it hard to sleep, hard to eat...hard to exist.

"We both know Domo would want you to do this." Yurik said, a grave expression on his face but his eyes held a fury that matched mine.

"And he'd be so damn proud of me." I murmured, lifting my head to look at the ceiling when I felt tears start to spring to my eyes.

Yurik looked away, seeking comfort in Micah who stood right alongside him with a hand on his shoulder. We were all hurting.

Yurik had Micah. Mrs Romanov had Mr Romanov. Me? I was supposed to have Dominic.

"Come on, you can do this." Yurik said, his voice hard with a newfound strength. I swallowed hard, following him downstairs into the secluded basement. At the closed metal door, I squeezed my fists closed trying to stop them from shaking.

"Here." Yurik muttered, handing me one of Dominic's guns. "I'll be right behind you. Micah, go wait for us upstairs." He instructed and Micah nodded, already knowing his attempt to stop me would be useless.

Yurik effortlessly twirled his knife around his fingers, a blood-seeking vengeance taking over the both of us. When he opened the door, that feeling heightened to the greatest lengths and I grit my molars together.

Lucas was in the middle of the room, his wrists bounded by a chain hanging from the ceiling as he balanced on the tips of his toes. The sight should have had me grimacing, but a sadistic smirk made its way to my lips instead.

He lifted his head when he heard us entering, a patronising but tired smile on his chapped lips. He had been dangling like that for at least two days and it was finally time for me to settle my scores.

"Hi, babe. You don't look too good." Lucas teased, watching me as I walked to the tray in the corner of the room. Yurik was quiet behind me as I set Dominic's gun down and put the surgical gloves on.

Humming and pursing my lips in thought at the item I should use, I opted for a pair of long nose pliers.

"What? You think you some hot-shot mafia queen now? You don't have it in you, little lady." Lucas remarked, grinning when I stood right in front of him.

He was sweaty, dirty and he smelled like horse shit.

"What you going to do, huh? Come on, I'm having a bad day, gimme a kiss." He pouted his lips at me and I licked my teeth, tilting my head to the side.

"Nice piercing." I mumbled, trailing the pliers over his eyebrow where the black bar was located. When he opened his mouth to speak, I clamped the pliers over skin and metal and ripped it out, successfully shutting him the fuck up.

Lucas grunted and I know he was trying not to scream out loud even when blood started pouring over his eye and down his face.

"Is that the best you got?" He taunted, flicking his tongue out and tasting his own blood. He had energy after being fed the minimal amount of water and food to keep him going just the slightest bit.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now