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"Caitlin, sweetheart!" Yurik opened the door and outstretched his arms for a hug. As much as I hated to admit it - I missed him. He reminded me of the cousins I would hang out with at family gatherings. I flung myself into his hold and proceeded to wrap my arms around his neck.

His previously lengthy hair was now cropped into a short buzz cut. An all-black suit adorned his body but the tie was left out and the silver chain around his neck glistened underneath the bright lights. An earring dangled from his left ear and when he smiled at me, the tongue ring immediately caught my attention.

I see why Micah likes him so much.

"Yurik. It's so good to see you again." I gushed and pulled away once he set me back onto my feet. Only then did I have the chance to finally look around the spacious area and I frowned when I saw all the curious eyes on us.

"Why are they-" I started but Yurik nudged my shoulder cutting me off.

"You're beautiful, do I have to tell you that all the time?" He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder guiding me to an unknown location. Yurik grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waitress and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I responded taking it from him. "Your brother said this was going to be just a dinner with your parents." My tone faltered along with my strides as I took in the breathtakingly stunning home.

It was occupied by some of the wealthiest looking people I've ever seen. Dominic was nowhere to be found.

"It was supposed to be just a simple dinner but my mother insisted on whatever the fuck this is. They're not even here yet." Yurik said disapprovingly and circled his hand around. I took a sip of the champagne and grimaced at the bitter taste.

Yurik noticed my facial expression. "Too dry? Man, I hate rich people." He took the glass from me and set it down on the counter. The champagne tasted expensive and left a dry feeling in my mouth.

"But aren't you-"

"Yes but let's not talk about that." Yurik waved it off. With his arm still lazily hanging around my shoulders, he greeted an unfamiliar face with a firm handshake while conversing in a language I couldn't understand. The conversation barely lasted a few seconds before Yurik was guiding us somewhere else.

"Is Micah here?" I asked. I hadn't had the chance to talk to him.

Yurik's face twisted into a scowl. "Your brother gets on my last fucking nerve, I swear to God. He didn't want to come. Something about 'feeling out of place' I don't get that - I really don't. I always try to make him feel comfortable."

"Mmm." I hummed in thought. "I'm sure he has his reasons."

"Yeah well, as my boyfriend he should be here with me right now." Yurik sighed and I could tell that he was disappointed. I wrapped my arm around his waist and offered a comforting squeeze. He looked down at me and a small smile tilted his lips.

"I understand how he feels. Did you forget who your family is? I can see why he would feel out of place." I commented.

"So what you're saying is that I should go over to his place afterwards?" Yurik asked and I looked at him in confusion but nevertheless decided to humour him.


"Okay," He grinned. "There's Domo. Go ahead." Giving me a slight push to where Dominic stood, he quickly turned on his heels and disappeared within the crowd.

Dominic had his back to me, talking to two men and a short black haired woman. I took a deep breath in and approached the group. I announced myself by wrapping my arm around his waist and he immediately looked down at me with the small smile that quickly faltered into a look of awe.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now