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"Not so fucking smart as you think, huh?" He growled and pressed the gun further into my neck. The cold metal hurt the delicate skin but I grit my teeth not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me wince.

I cursed my dark window tint to the depths of hell.

"Do not fucking move or I'll blow your brains out all over this fucking seat. Who do you work for?" Lucas asked harshly and the small hairs on my nape arose. Dominic's words came to mind instantly and I clenched my fists. You die before you snitch.

"Myself." I said confidently and the gun was removed from my neck. For a second I thought he believed me - but he grabbed my cheeks with one hand and turned my head to face him. I kept my composure when my eyes landed on him. Lucas was scary and he was impulsive. A bullet could be released into my skull right there and nobody would know.

"Don't play cute with me. Tell me who the fuck you work for." He snapped and tightened his grip on my face. I didn't say anything and he roughly let go of me. I grabbed my jaw and moved it side to side. That hurt. I watched as he climbed over to the passenger seat while keeping the gun pointed at me.

It was almost comical.

He grabbed something from his jackets pocket and began screwing the object onto the tip of the gun. It was a silencer and that's when my heart started pounding even harder. Was I going to be killed in the parking lot of a gym? I had imagine my death to be a lot less eventful than that.

"I would say we can do this the easy way or the hard way...but honestly, both ways would be easy." Lucas said slowly and leaned forward once again. My keys were still in my hand and if I was quick enough I would get him right in the carotid artery but I didn't want to take the chance.

"Speak." He demanded.

I didn't say anything.

Lucas reached over at lightning speed and pulled the back of my hair exposing my neck. He pressed the gun right below my chin and he was so close I could feel his breath. I made the mistake of whimpering when agony shot through my scalp and Lucas smirked at seeing me in pain.

"Drop that." He nodded his head to the key in my hand and cocked the gun. A sick feeling formed in my chest and I hesitantly let go of it feeling all hope of me getting out alive diminishing.

"I'm not going to ask again. Who the fuck do you work for?" You just did, you dumb fuck.

"Myself." I said through a clenched jaw while maintaining an unwavering stare with him. Lucas groaned out loud before pulling the gun away from my neck. My eyes widened when it was replaced by his lips and a tremor of disgust racked through me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled and tried to push him away but he was too strong - too powerful. I reached to the handle of the door and shakily tried to open it.

"Open that door and you're dead." He warned and I could see he meant every single word. His eyes were glossy and his pupils were heavily dilated - he looked high on something.

"You think you can steal from us and get away with it? You little bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are?" Lucas laughed but the humour was lacking. He reached to his pocket and pulled out his phone while aiming the gun in my direction.

"Yes boss, I have her. Do you want me to take her in for questioning or kill her right here?" Lucas held the phone to his face and tilted his head to the side as if he was asking a simple casual question.

Fuck - I was in trouble. I was either going to be shot dead or tortured until I spoke. Dominic words kept ringing in my mind and I clenched my eyes shut. He would want me to speak, right? My mind was hazy and a feeling of morbid hopelessness washed over me.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now