1M 22.4K 38.8K

i'm not going to bother using google translate when it comes to russian because i know how inaccurate that shit is. so the english in italics when dominic speaks is his mother tongue.


"Dominic?" I called after a few moments of silence.

"Mmm?" He hummed into the crook of my neck. I shifted beneath him, nearly suffocating underneath his weight. His body was warm as his bare skin laid flush against mine and he started mindlessly trailing his fingers down my side. It was odd.

"You're still inside me." I whispered and he groaned when I wiggled my ass.

My bare cheeks were against his pelvis and I felt him harden ever so slightly from his prior semi-erect state.

"I know. I love it here." He responded and started moving his hips rhythmically while laying kisses on my neck.

"You better stop before that condom breaks and you breed me." I joked and he laughed before pulling out completely.

I sighed at the now empty feeling and turned to lay on my back. I was exhausted and I barely did anything.

Dominic climbed off the bed and disposed of the used condom in the trash. A few seconds later he returned with tissues from my bathroom and silently separated my legs to wipe me clean.

I frowned as I watched him carefully - I never had a man clean me up after sex and it was weird to say the least.

"Thank you." I muttered, not knowing how to react. Dominic shrugged before wiping his dick and pulling up his boxers.

"Do you need anything?" He asked looking down at me as he stepped into his slacks. I watched his stomach muscles flex as he moved and I licked my lower lip before prying my eyes away from the sight.

"Just that t-shirt, please." I responded pointing to my white drawer where a large t-shirt was resting neatly folded. I sat up when he handed it to me and I offered him an appreciative smile before pulling it over my head.

My legs still felt tingly as I rubbed my thighs with the palms of my hands.

Dominic really fucked me up.

He bent down and gave me a rough kiss on the lips. "You were great, angel."

"You weren't too bad yourself." I said playfully and he frowned at me.

"That's all? Not too bad?" He asked, looking slightly offended.

"Yeah, I've had better." I continued to tease him, hiding my smirk. He scoffed at me before grabbing my ankles and pulling me so hard I landed on my back.

"Whoa! I was kid-"

"Shut the fuck up." He snapped at me and immediately buried his face between my legs. I yelped when his wet tongue began fucking my hole as his grip on my thighs tightened.

He moaned against me and my hands moved to hold onto his hair.

I was a gasping mess as I watched his back muscles tensing.

Pleasure surged through me and my body jerked when his thumb started circling my clit. I was so turned on.

"I was fucking...joking." I said breathlessly throwing my head back onto the bed.

He laid flat on his belly as he continued thrusting his tongue into me, circling my hole and moving his head side to side. I looked down at him and whined when I saw that he was looking directly at me.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now