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Two words; fucked up.

The cum leaked out of me, covering my inner thighs and creating a ticklish sensation. My knees were bent awkwardly, trying to stop it from dripping onto the floor. Dominic watched me amused.

"Help me!" I whined reaching out to him. My throat was raw and aching, a reminder of how I had completely lost myself onto him. My legs felt weak and tingly, a tell-tale of the hard fucking I had just received. The gun on the floor, abandoned after serving its unsaid purpose.

He laughed and walked to the bathroom, returning with wet-wipes and dry towels. Dominic crouched down and wiped me clean, paying close attention to his actions. Eventually, I could sit on the bed and I blew out a relieved breath. I grimaced and laid down, holding my hands to my forehead.

"You okay?" Dominic asked and I looked at him with a blank face. The nerve of him to ask if I'm okay after he fucked me into outer space.

He smiled sheepishly before grabbing a block of ice from the champagne bucket, placing it into his mouth. I cringed - my teeth were too sensitive for that but Dominic didn't seem to be bothered by it.

He grabbed my ankles, positioning my feet flat on the bed and exposing me to him. I observed him with inquisitive eyes, wondering what he's up to.

My silent question was answered when he bent down to latch his cool mouth onto my throbbing clit. I moaned out loud, closing my eyes as he dragged the ice all over my raw pussy and relieving the heat.

"Oh, that's nice." I groaned out enjoying every second of it. When the ice was fully melted, his cold mouth remained on me until I placed my hands on his cheeks pulling him towards me for a kiss.

"Thank you." I said gratefully and pecked his lips. Dominic grinned and it was the most beautiful sight ever - his messy hair, his sparkling eyes and the fucking dimples. I hated how he managed to look good all the time.

"Let's get into the hot tub, angel."

Ten minutes later I had my white bikini on treading out into the cold early morning, late night air. It was around 2am but the streets below were still buzzing with cars and people stumbling out of clubs. We were high enough for them to appear minuscule, dark tiny spots littering the streets and illuminated by bright lights.

"Do not look at me like that." I warned Dominic when he formed that familiar lusty look on his face as his eyes wandered down my body. He was already in the tub, resting both tattooed arms on the ridge and examining me as I joined him.

"Why not? You're fucking beautiful." He complimented me with a shrug. I stepped into the hot water feeling it tingle my skin and soothing my tense muscles. I sighed once my body was emerged until just above my breasts.

Dominic glared at me when I sat opposite him.

"What?" I asked.

"You're too far. Come here." He said, reaching his arms out to me and frowning. The water bubbled and splashed as I scooted towards him, turning around and resting my back against his front. It felt amazing, being within his arms as he held me tightly.

"I'm driving to my mother on Monday." I said after a few moments of contented silence.

"Alone? How long is the drive?" He asked stroking my hair.

"Yes. It's about an hour and a half away and I'll only be there for the day." I informed him, already knowing that he wouldn't want me to go alone but it's something I've been thinking about. Dominic's hands stilled before he reached underneath the water to rest them on my belly, softly stroking the skin.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now