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"Oh, fuck!" I screamed when I was thrown onto the couch like a rag doll, landing on my back and bouncing a few times. As soon as I tried to get up, inked hands were pushing my shoulders back down and a glare was directed my way.

"Behave." He warned me. I obeyed.

Dominic was hovered over me, looking down at my naked body with a fiery hunger that made me nervous...but excited at the same time. The moment my towel dropped, his entire demeanour changed and thoughts of me being in control went flying out the window.

He started unbuttoning his shirt with quick, desperate movements and eventually he got so fed up that he tore it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. My eyes widened and my heart started pounding against my ribcage. I felt like I had to brace myself for the impact he was about to bestow on me.

I gulped when his shirt was discarded across the living room and his impressive abdomen was open to my view. Today, he wore a silver chain around his neck complimenting the silver watch on his wrist.

Dominic wasn't making eye contact, his gaze was fixated on my bare pussy as he licked his bottom lip. He looked at me as if he was the predator, and I was his prey. I was quite comfortable in my skin but the way his eyes scrutinised every inch of me made my blood pressure rise.


He bent down to kiss me, so hard that my head was pushed onto the back of the couch and a moan emerged from my throat. With one hand on my waist and his lips pressed against mine, I heard him start to remove his belt.

The sound of the leather getting pulled from within their loop restraints made my body jump. Dominic noticed and broke the kiss to look from me, to the belt in his hand with a curiously cocked eyebrow.

I swallowed hard staring at the black item with an uncanny lust. Generally, I wasn't a submissive person at all but when it came to fucking - I wanted to be hurt, grabbed and pounded until my legs shook.

Why did I want to be spanked until my ass was raw?

"Oh, you dirty little..." He murmured in realisation and paused, seeking any sort of objection to him finishing that sentence and when he didn't find any, he bent down eye level and whispered, "slut."

I breathed out, feeling a strange euphoric feeling wash over me. My hand reached down to my pussy, desperate and aching for any friction. Dominic grabbed my wrist hard, almost bruising the skin but successfully stopping me.

"No. You're not allowed to." He was stern with his words and I nodded even though my core was frantic for a form of release.

"Turn around, on your knees." He said softly, caressing my cheek with his knuckles. I knew what was coming - and I could sense he knew exactly how badly I wanted it.

I followed his instructions and got on my knees, still on the sofa. I leaned my forearms against the backrest and arched my back. Dominic took a deep breath in as my most intimate part got exposed to him. My body was nearly shivering with anticipation as I sat there, awaiting what he had to offer.

"Safe word." He didn't ask, he demanded.

"Red." I said the first thing that came to mind. I heard Dominic chuckle, a deep baritone noise that warmed my insides and made my lips tilt up slightly.

"Of course." He responded and rubbed his palm against my bare ass cheek, soothing the skin for what was coming. I sighed and dropped my head onto my forearms waiting for the blow to come and when it didn't, I looked back at him with a frown.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now