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"Why did you send Yurik and Micah over to my place?" I asked Dominic over the phone once I was settled in my bed. I could still here them fighting about what to watch and I was on the brink of yelling at them to shut the fuck up. I needed my peace and quiet.

"What do you mean?" He faked confusion and I could immediately sense it.

"Dominic, come on. Don't lie to me." I said softly and rolled over to lay on my side. I put the call on speaker and let it rest next to my head on the pillow.

He sighed and I heard him shuffle around a bit. "How did you know?"

"Because my brother never comes to see me unless he needs something. So tell me, why?" I asked again, more firmly. Dominic should know better than to lie to me.

"Those idiots suck at making a girl feel better." He mumbled after a few moments. "I just thought you needed some company."

I didn't buy it. Not one bit.

"Okay, sweet. Now what's the real reason?" I asked keeping a neutral tone. Dominic didn't say anything and my bottom lip got pulled between my teeth at the nearly deafening silence. I wasn't mad at him - I just wanted to know why. All three men were obviously hiding something from me.

"I don't need a babysitter, Dominic." I stated putting my arm underneath my head to get more comfortable.

"Stop. Why the fuck are you so good at this?" He asked and I could just picture him pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance and then raising his hand questioningly. "It's only for today, angel. I'm just making sure Blake won't try anything and I know you can take care of yourself but-"

"Wait, wait. What do you mean? What does Blake have to do with this?" I asked frowning. I was aware that he said something weird but I haven't seen him since he showed up to my door after Dominic and I had fucked.

"I caught him walking to your apartment last night. I told you that I won't take that threat lightly so-"

"Dominic. What did you do?" I asked sitting up, suddenly very more aware and alert. For all I knew, Blake could be laying in a ditch...or thrown into molten metal.

"Interrupt me one more time, angel. Please do it." His voice went an octave lower and I could hear the threat underneath. I stilled and kept quiet.

"That's what the fuck I thought." He scoffed and I smiled, letting him continue. Dominic was the only man I'd let getting away with talking to me like that. Partially because he was the finest man I've ever seen, and mainly because I knew how kind and soft he could be.

"Yurik spoke to him last night. I'm making sure he won't show up again but I doubt he will." He stated and I choked on my spit. I coughed, my eyes watering.

"He beat the fuck out of him, didn't he?" I asked quietly. My thoughts were reeling with every possible scenario.

"A little..." he said slowly and I sighed dropping my head on the pillow again. I clenched my eyes shut and pressed my palm against my forehead. Did Blake deserve that? He was always so nice to me -it was just when I broke things off with him then he started to act out of character but did he deserve to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter?

"Are you mad at me? I was just trying to make sure you're safe and I know you're a grown woman who's very much capable of doing it herself so don't even start that shit, okay? I already know but I told you that you have my protection for life." Whether I like it or not, I remembered.

Free protection? Who am I to deny such a pleasure?

"I'm not mad at you. Just don't lie to me ever again or you and I are going to have a huge problem." I warned him.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now