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"Baby girl. You're here." Papa stood up from his seat, a wide grin on his face and he stepped forward for a hug. Usually no touching was allowed but that day, the prison guards turned a blind eye and overlooked the close contact. They left us alone, closing the door behind them.

"Hi, papa." I said softly and uncharacteristically timid. My father pulled away and held me at arm's length, examining me before his face turned stern.

"You should've come to me, mija. I'm disappointed that you thought I wouldn't be okay with you following your heart." Papa spoke, gazing down at me with a slight purse of his lips. I was temporarily stunned and for a moment the air got caught in my lungs.

"Are you serious?" I mumbled and threw my head back, looking at the ceiling. "Are you actually serious?"

"Wait," He took a step back, scrunching his brows together with a confused look etched his face. "You're not happy? You're supposed to be happy. I thought this is what you want, for us to make peace so you could be with Dominic." He paused. "Wait a damn minute, did I just get played?"

"Papa, I am happy. I'm really happy." I said but the confusion remained on his features.

"You don't look happy." He mumbled, frowning.

"I spent the whole ride anxious and stressed out thinking that my own father was going to disown me when really I should have known better than that." I sighed and sat down on the metal chair, ignoring the coldness soaking through my jeans.

"I love you, okay? I just want you to be happy and if that means putting my pride aside, then so be it." He said sincerely, placing his hand on top of mine as he sat opposite me.

"I love you, too." I replied and his smile reached his eyes, glinting with happiness. It had been a while since I told him that.

"I have a proposition for you, Caitlin." He said seriously, shifting in his seat and giving me his full attention. He let go of my hand and I pulled them back into my lap.

"Yes?" I muttered warily, eyeing him suspiciously

"Don't give me that look. We both know how strong and diligent you are, you can do anything you set your mind to even if the consequences might be...hazardous. You have the potential, the will-power and the intelligence to be a great leader." He said and stilled, looking for any reaction from me but all I could do was listen intently.

"With Dominic at your side and enough training, you can have the most powerful cartel slash mafia this world has ever known." He continued and the intensity in his eyes was enough to get his point across.

My mouth dropped. "The Colombians and the Russians merging together? That's..." I shuddered. "That doesn't sound right."

"It doesn't sound right but you can make it work. I'm supposed to pass it down to Micah but I believe in you, mija."

I dragged a hand over my face, taking a deep breath in. I hated that I loved that idea.

"You have to understand that years of rivalry doesn't get forgotten so easily. You have to work for it, form an alliance and see what you can gain from establishing peace. It's a 'You scratch my back, I scratch yours' circumstance. There's no one I trust more than you to make this happen." He said leaning forward and resting his forearms on the steel table.

I chewed on my bottom lip and looked down at my hands. "Papa, your men aren't going to accept a woman as their leader. That's how this world works, unfortunately."

"You have cousins, second cousins and close family friends working for me that'll fuck up anyone who dares question your authority. That's something you don't have to worry about, I can assure you. I'm also sure Dominic won't let that happen."

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now