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"You do understand that I have to kill her now, right?" Dominic murmured, softly dabbing my cheek with an alcohol soaked cotton pad. His eyes were hard, his jaw clenched as he cleaned my wound with the most delicate touches.

The second he saw he saw my bruised face, his hands started to shake with a rage I've never seen before. Violent orders spurted from him, demanding to find the 'suka' who touched me.

If I hadn't stopped him, my mother would have been assassinated within the next hour. The thought pleased me more than it should have.

"Dominic." I warned, seeing the murder he had planning his head. He sighed, leaned forward and kissed my open cut.

"Angel, if someone hits you, you hit them back ten times harder. I don't care that she's your mother." He muttered, staring at me with those cold brown eyes. Dipping his middle finger into a cream, he started to lather it onto my cheek.

"I know," my chest heaved with a sigh. "I wanted to, so badly but..."

"No buts. Stop trying to turn the other cheek." He said before pausing, us both realising his innuendo and our lips broke out into grins.

"What's wrong with her anyway? She doesn't sound right in the head." Dominic commented, packing all the items back into the first aid kit. I stayed on the counter, between his legs and not wanting to move.

"I don't know. Micah thinks it's jealousy but what could she possibly be jealous of? She has everything that I don't, a fancy fucking house and a fancy fucking car." I replied, leaning back onto my palms.

My cheek was burning from where her nails had cut me, scraping the flesh away but it wasn't necessary for any sutures.

What I had planned for her was going to have her crawling back to me. I was going to make sure of it.

Dominic hummed, laying his open palms on my bare thighs. "I've heard of mothers envying their daughters. She fits the description. Trying to push you into a relationship you clearly don't want so that she can live her own pathetic life through you. Commenting on the way you look and being disgusted if you go against what she thinks is perfect. Hitting you, wanting to bruise this pretty little face. You better hope I don't run into her, angel."

"Wait...envy? Living her life through me?" I muttered, deep in thought. "You remember that one secret I told you?"

Dominic looked confused so I elaborated, "that night we got high together for the first time."

He nodded, realising what I was speaking of. "You told me that you lost your virginity to the captain of a cruise ship while on vacation with your...no, don't tell me that she-"

"Yes," I nodded. "She was the one who spoke me into it. God, how could I have been so fucking stupid? I was barely seventeen, celebrating my birthday on the deck and there she was convincing me to fuck someone 13 years my senior." I whispered, disgusted with the revelation and disgusted that I didn't realise it sooner.

"Okay, now I really have to kill her." Dominic said, his fists clenching on my thighs. He was pissed but I could see him trying to keep himself from lashing out.

"No," I grabbed his hand, looking at him determined. "We're going to wipe her clean. Take everything back that my father has ever given her and leave her begging for a buck. I want to see her regret ever fucking up with the one person who would've given her the time of day."

Slowly the fire in his eyes diminished, only to be placed by an impressed smirk. "Go on." He gestured with his hand and I jumped off the table, furrowing my brows as rage started to pump through my blood the more I thought about her.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now