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A loud and rapid knock coming from my door nearly made me spill my glass of wine. I dragged the blanket off me and got up from the couch scowling at whoever was behind the wood.

"Caitlin, can you open the door please?" My brother's voice reached my ears. He sounded like he had been running and my frown deepened in confusion as I set the glass down on the small table.

"Caitlin!" He yelled out and continued banging like a maniac.

"I'm coming. For fucks sake." I mumbled. As soon as I unlocked it, I was pushed backwards and my brother's large body entered my apartment. He quickly shut the door behind him and locked it again, breathing heavily.

His black windbreaker was covered in dust and my eyes widened when they landed on the blue bruises on his neck when he removed his hood.

My heart dropped. Micah looked like he was running away from someone.

"Micah, what's going on?" I asked nervously and also in shock. He didn't answer me. Instead he turned around and pulled me in for a tight embrace surprising me.

"Thank you." He whispered and I slowly wrapped my arms around him, still feeling slightly confused. It was the first time seeing him in nearly two months and he looked different.

"Are you in trouble?" I questioned when he pulled away. He ignored me and walked straight to my kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

"Micah, can you fucking speak? You're scaring me." I nearly shouted. My brother meant the world to me but it wasn't a rare thing for him to often get in trouble and bring said trouble home with him. It was one of the reasons why I learned how to protect myself and defend myself.

He turned to me, bloodshot brown eyes meeting mine. He looked utterly exhausted. "I need a car."

"What am I supposed to do about that?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows.

Micah walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders. "You don't understand. I need your car."

"Why do you-"

"And your gun." He interrupted, the grip he had on me tightened and I looked at him incredulously before shrugging off his hold. I took a step back.

"You're hiding from someone, aren't you?" I muttered slowly. "And you decided it would be a great idea to lead them right here, where your sister lives. Alone. I can't fucking believe you, Micah." I said, my voice lacing with disappointment. His eyes faltered, a solemn expression on his face.

He was three years older than me but most of the time I felt like the older sibling.

"I have nowhere else to go! You are the only one who will even think about helping me. I have no one else!" He yelled out and I couldn't help but close my eyes in frustration and partial sadness.

"Do you ever think about anyone but yourself? Just tell me what happened and we can try to sort it out but you're not taking my car or my gun." I told him shaking my head. I couldn't give him my things. When used it could very well be traced back to me and I wasn't about to risk that.

"It was worth the try." He muttered in defeat.

Micah sighed before sitting on the couch and my heart shattered in my chest. He looked so vulnerable, so helpless.

"I owe some people money. They-"

"How much?"

He stilled before looking up at me as I sat down next to him. "15K. These guys...they don't care about the amount. It's deeper than that."

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now