Bonus Chapter - The Reveal

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"In here," I answered, dragging my hand over the material of my dress. His favourite. My heart raced in my chest, nearly drowning out the sound of Dominic entering the room.

I was pregnant with his baby. Our baby. And he didn't know it yet.

I felt him approach me from behind, his presence only managing to send another surge of nerves through me. There was no reason for me to be nervous, as I knew how Dominic would love a baby of his own but I was still terrified of his reaction.

With no protection and a long overdue birth control shot, it was to be expected but seeing the positive test for the first time almost gave me a fucking heart attack.

Dominic circled his arms around me, laying a warm kiss on the side of my neck and I smiled as I rested my hands on his forearms. "I miss you," he murmured.

"I'm right here," I chuckled, leaning my head to the side to grant him better access to give me all the kisses his heart desired.

I hoped he couldn't feel how fast my pulse was beating, but Dominic was observant and he paused when he reached the tender spot on the side of my neck. Shit.

I could never hide anything from him, always failing to conceal how I felt-especially because we had been married for a while and nothing went past him. It was so incredible annoying, but at the same time I was happy I found someone who knew me the way he did.

The only downside was the inability to have a poker face around him.

"I know," he whispered, pressing his chest against my back and I sighed at the warmth he always seemed to have. "Still miss you. What's wrong?"

I turned around in his arms, meeting those soft brown eyes. "Nothing. It's almost your birthday," I said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

It read eleven fifty five, and I had made the decision to hand him his gift as soon as the clock struck twelve. We had a dinner earlier that evening-just the two of us as it always was on birthdays.

We didn't have parties, always choosing to have a night consisting of getting high and eating as much junk as possible while watching the shittiest movie on the planet.

This year, it was a little different.

"I'm old as fuck, angel." Dominic frowned, pulling me closer to him.

"The big thirty. You're right," I teased, and he gave the dirtiest glare. Dominic only seemed to get more handsome with age, and there wasn't a moment that passed where I didn't appreciate every part of him.

God, how anyone could be that perfect didn't make sense at all.

"You're supposed to make me feel better," he grumbled. "What sort of wife are you?"

"Yours," I stated. "Now sit your ass down on the bed and wait for your gift."

"Gift?" he murmured cheekily, tugging at the strap of my dress. There was suggestive smirk on his face, and I rolled my eyes as I gave him a soft push with both hands.

He sat down, spread his knees and leaned back on his palms. I chuckled, shaking my head at my horny husband.

After all these years, Dominic still couldn't keep his hands off me. I might have acted as if it annoyed me, but I loved every moment of it.

If I wasn't about to break the news to him, I would have probably been giving him the sloppiest head ever.

Another thing I loved about our relationship, our sex life did not change. In fact, it became a lot better-which I didn't even know was possible.

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