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"Better not be what the fuck I think it is." I said, crossing my arms and looking at him sceptically. Dominic smirked before stepping away and picking up the gun he had carelessly tossed on the table. I watched him curiously as he held it in both hands, examining it.

He moved closer, achingly slow until his hand suddenly stretched out and firmly wrapped around my waist. I stumbled against his chest, nearly tripping over my own feet but he held me steady.

"You think very lowly of me." Dominic whispered, inching his face downwards. An unrecognisable emotion danced in his eyes as they narrowed at me, studying me.

"Shouldn't I?" I taunted back trying to keep my face as blank as possible. My attempt to hide how effected I was failed miserably when he lifted my sweater and started stroking my bare skin with his fingertips. He smiled - obviously pleased with himself when he saw me falter.

The man touching me gave me the best orgasm of my life and his mere touch had tingles rushing through me in spite of the dangerous situation I was currently in. I needed to get a fucking grip but the handsome specimen with a touch like wildfire made it impossible.

"Still as soft as I remember." Dominic murmured.

"Yeah, yeah. Are you going to tell me what your condition is?" I breathed out subconsciously moving my head back to give him more access to my neck. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before leaning down and caressing his nose against my jawline. I stopped myself from reaching up and cupping his head in my hands.

"You are sworn to silence. You cannot speak a word of this to anyone. You die before you snitch." He responded before the tip of something hard was pressed against the middle of my stomach. I looked down at the gun and my mouth dropped. Dominic was staring at me expectantly waiting for an answer.

"You're going to fucking shoot me?" I asked in disbelief trying to step away but he gave me a look that said not to try him.

"I might. I might not." He said tilting his head to the side innocently. My eyes turned into slits as I glared at him. I could see that he was testing me - testing just how far I'd go to protect my brother but Dominic wasn't as slick as he thought he was.

"Do it." I muttered through gritted teeth. I grabbed the barrel of the gun with my fist and brought it higher, right above my pounding heart. Dominic's hard expression wavered for a split second before it was replaced by something even more...devious.

"You are not afraid to die?" He asked softly. He started moving it upwards, at a snail's pace until the cold tip stopped just below my chin. The gun was now pointed upwards - ready to blow my head off within a second. I stood my ground, looking right back at him.

"You wouldn't." I said confidently.

Dominic raised a perfect brow, pressing it further against my skin until it almost hurt. "What makes you think that?"

I smiled at him. "Because just five minutes ago you were concerned enough to ask if I'm cold or not."

"Observant, are we?" He seemed surprised at my answer before a devilish grin formed on his lips. My mouth suddenly felt dry but I wasn't about to show him how utterly scared I was. I wrapped my arms around his narrow waist pulling his body impossibly closer. My neck was starting to hurt from looking up at him but I was determined.

"Do it." I demanded, trailing my hands along his sides. I put my hands underneath the hoodie and his muscles tensed as I made bare contact with the smooth skin of his back. Dominic's lips parted and I was sure I saw him gulp. My legs involuntarily pressed together.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now