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I might have regretted saying yes to the date.

Not because I was afraid of my feelings but because I didn't know what the fuck to wear. I was comfortable enough around Dominic to not care much about my appearance but that specific night I was nervous because I wanted to get it right.

I sighed in frustration and dragged a hand through my hair. Clothes were scattered all along my bed in a messy sprawl as I looked through them with the intention of finding the perfect dress. What type of date was it? A wine and dine or were we going for a casual meal? What sort of attire suited both occasions? Why am I overthinking?

"Fuck this." I picked my phone and dialled Dominic's number. I rested my hand on my hip and tapped my phone impatiently waiting for him to answer.

"Hi, angel." He greeted and an unfamiliar feeling of calmness washed over me.

"You are stressing me out, Dominic." I stated bluntly. Why was I so nervous? It was a date...with a man who fucked me so hard I couldn't walk straight for a whole day. With a man who choked me so hard he left bruises on my skin.

With a man who was sweet and caring and always went out of his way to make sure I was okay.

"I'm not doing anything." He laughed.

"Tell me what I should wear." I demanded and sat down on my bed with a small huff. He was supposed to pick me up in about an hour and there I was still debating over what to wear.

"You look good in anything." Dominic said and I rolled my eyes. That was the issue!

"What are you wearing?" I asked him and fell down onto the mattress to look up at the ceiling. It wasn't my first time going on a date with someone so there was no reason for me to be acting like a teenager.

He chuckled. "Angel, stop. Wear something...I don't know...sexy and revealing."

"Wow that's a first." I stated in shock. Flashbacks of my conservative boyfriend in high school resurfaced and I shuddered at the memory.

"You wear whatever you feel good in and I'll be there to make sure no one lays a hand on you." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and I sighed.

"Okay fine, I'll see you in an hour."

"An hour?" he asked and I heard a car door slam shut. "I'll be there in half an hour."

"What?! Bye!" I quickly put the call off and jumped from my bed. I dropped the towel and started looking through the many pieces of clothing.

My eyes landed on the deep red satin material that I never wore before and I instantly made my mind up. I decided not to ponder on it any longer as I picked up the dress.

"Please fit me. Please fit me." I chanted as I held the soft dress to my naked body.

Once I stepped into it and pulled it up my body, relief flooded through me. It fit perfectly. It was short, spaghetti strapped and tight around the hips. I smiled as I smoothed the material down with my palms deciding to keep my hair down tonight.


"Where are we going, angel?" I asked Dominic and he sent me a side glance while keeping one hand on the steering wheel. I noticed that he had gotten a haircut and I smiled admiring his handsome face.

Dominic's entire appearance screamed dominance and power, all the way from his expensive shoes to the tattoos on his neck and I couldn't help but notice how good we looked together.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now