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The video is now done! I know I forgot to add Betty in one of the dares and I probably forgot to do one dare but by the time I had remembered this, I deleted the avenger avatars from my phone and deleted the actual video after uploading it to you tube for space purposes. Also @KustardShipping, I sorta didn't do what you exactly said but hopefully you like it! I had to change it because of the relationship Sans has with Gaster.

"Hey weird skeleton?" Tony asked as he looked down at Fresh. Fresh then looked up as Swap disbelief Papyrus started dodging attacks from Hulk who was sluggish because Betty was multitasking with the avengers fighting her. "Please don't kill me for this." Tony said and punched Fresh square in the face. The moment Fresh hit the ground, all the Sans froze, Betty did as well. "W-what did you d-do?" Blue said out loud as Fresh tried to stand up. Tony noticed that Fresh's glasses were on the ground as Fresh groaned and rubbed his face. Fresh stopped for a moment and slowly turned his head to Tony who staggered back a bit at the sight of Fresh face. In the one eye socket that was shown, a upside down monster soul with purple outline was placed in Fresh's eye socket. Tony then noticed a bright purple ooze coming out of the socket and some of it on Fresh's hand.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" Error yelled in effort as the portal suddenly became more and more harder to keep open. Fresh stood up and looked at Betty as the ooze suddenly became purple tentacles. Even Shattered and Nightmare looked afraid of Fresh. Killer and Horror Sans suddenly appeared out of the portal with crazed looks upon their faces. "MOVE!" Dust yelled as he, Killer and Horror tried to move the remaining avengers away as Shattered Dream, Nightmare and Blue moved out of the way as Fresh pushed off the ground in a haste and punched Betty hard in the face. He almost seemed as monotone as Ink but with an angered look upon his face. Betty yelped and tried to use her scythe for protection, but it shattered upon impact. The blow was so powerful that Betty's connection to the Hulk disappeared as she was blown to the edge of the Helicarrier.

"Hey guys!" Someone yelled from behind the avengers who had turned to see Mettaton, Toriel and Undyne behind them as Fresh stood still. "Let us take care of that thing." Undyne yelled with a determined look upon her face as she pointed at Betty. "Wait, what about Banner?" Nat asked as she looked around when she noticed that there was now roars from the giant beast. They all turned and saw Papyrus turned back to his normal self crouching down next to Banner ,who turned back to his normal self, who was rubbing his head as Papyrus held up his hand towards his brother, who was back to normal, and attempted to heal Sans. Tony seemed to try and make a barricade of crates around the three but it seemed to be going slow. "He's fine darling." Metatton said as he waved a hand towards Nat in a funny way. Bit then the humor was erased from his face as he glared at Betty who was taking deep breaths. "But since that thing made Eyepatch hurt Papyrus..." Metatton paused and his form suddenly became his Neo form, causing him to hover in the air. "I'm going to make it feel like HECK." Metatton said this caught Steve's attention as he turned to fresh and saw that Fresh was brushing dust off his shoulder and with every touch,a new color appeared on his monochrome jacket.

"FUNK Yeah!" Undyne yelled as she jumped into the air. Toriel used her fire attack to also push her into the air. Betty saw this and needed to think of a plan and quick. She could easily defeat the three had they not join forces and there was no way Betty was going to let them beat her. Then she looked at the closet engine. She also saw that some monsters were still trying to be loaded on the transport, this caused her smile wickedly. Betty then stood up and tried to run to the engine but tried to act as though she was limping. When she looked up to see the two monsters and robot charging up their attacks, she did a final jump in front of the engine. Fury saw this and understood Betty's plan. "WAIT!" Fury yelled in an attempt to stop them but it was too late. The three shot their attacks at Betty. Betty smiled and easily jumped out of the way and landed safely as the super charged attack hit the engine and destroyed anything around it. It sent a shock wave throughout the whole ship. This caused any weak monster to fall onto the ground. But Sans was closer to the edge and he tried to grab onto a crate to avoid falling off.

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