Nat goes with the flow

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Nothing was heard as the four walked down the mountain. All but the birds singing their beautiful songs and the gravel that crunched under Nat, Frisk and Sans feet. Nat noticed the tense air, it probably did help that Sans wore his hood, Frisk was rubbing their arm and Flowey resting on top of their head, glaring at Sans. Chara was looking at Nat while floating by Frisk. "So, I'm guessing what you did back there wasn't a normal thing?" She asked Frisk, they moved their head away as if that was their way of saying they won't answer. "The kid doesn't usually lash out like that. Their friend however-"

"I wasn't asking you." Nat interrupted Sans, he stopped as Nat folded her arms across her chest. "For someone who claims they want to help us," He paused as he turned his head slightly to her. "You sure don't seem to like me." She raised a brow. Chara sighed as they leaned against a tree or at least pretending to. "You did attack the avengers. You know, earth's mighty heroes." She claimed as she glared at him. Sans balled his fists that were by his sides instead of his jacket. "I WAS DEFENDING MYSELF!" He yelled as he turned to her with a frown. "I wasn't going to let something else take me away from my family again!" He yelled as he grabbed his skull. Frisk took a step toward him with their arm outstretched as Nat looked surprised.

"Jeez, calm down comedian." Chara said as they scoffed and looked away. Flowey sighed. "Trash Bag." Flowey said, Sans let go of his skull and turned to Flowey. "This is the surface. Nothing will happen to Papyrus. You don't have to go through what you already have. I promise you that." Flowey said, Sans glared at him before looking at the ground. "Your promise is as good as your ability to not lie." Sans said and looked at Flowey again. "It's terrible." He said and turned around and walked down the trail. Chara sighed as Flowey looked at Sans with pity. "Okay." Nat said, they all turned to her. "I know I'm not as well known into this monster stuff, but he's mean." Nat said as she pointed at Sans with her thumb. Frisk sighed as they held Flowey. "Sans is probably one of the nicest monsters in the underground. He means well and is kind to everyone, but the world hasn't done the same to him." Frisk said as Flowey sighed once again.

"What do you mean?" Nat asked as she walked ahead, Frisk hurried while Chara floated after them. "You know how in a video game you have to beat this small boss before getting to the boss level?" Frisk asked, Nat nodded. "Sans was the royal judge. Meaning he fought any monster or human to see if they get to meet the king. It's like a less human version of getting your judgment." Flowey said, Nat looked at them. "And if they don't survive?" Nat asked. "There were little beacons called save points. It's like a game, you lose in a fight, you go back to where you last saved. I had to do that a lot." Frisk said, Nat would've pushed on with more questions but the town came into view. Soon enough, Nat started to feel bad that she was mean to Sans as some of the stores either ignored him or didn't even let him in. Some were kind but not a lot.

"I just wanna buy a box of pasta." Sans said as the door of a shop. The blinds for the store were then closed. Sans sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Oh well." sans said, Frisk frowned. "Just because they can't allow monsters into their store, doesn't mean a human can't!" Frisk said and walked to the door with a smirk. Flowey jumped off their shoulders as Sans sighed. "Kid, you don't have to- and they're gone." He said as Frisk walked into the store. He sighed and looked at the store, Nat glanced at Sans. "Sorry." She said, he turned to her, confused. "Sorry about what I said. I'm part of something that could change the world as we know it. I'm just worried that-"

"If you make the wrong choice that'll affect the ones you care for?" He asked, now it was her turn to be confused. "So you try with all your power to avoid something bad to happen. Trust me, being the royal judge, a brother and a friend can put a lot on your shoulders." He said and turned to her with a smirk. "What's a royal ju-" Nat asked but the door opening with Frisk holding a box of pasta interrupted her. "Ta-da!" Frisk said with delight and handed the box to Sans. "No need to pay me back Sans." "Kid, you know you didn't have to." Sans said. Then it struck Nat oddly that Sans and Frisk Kid. Was Frisk the one he was talking about when we were fighting? She thought to herself. "I'm DETERMINED to help my friends in any way!" She said with a smile, then a soft red light appeared in front of Frisk as Flowey climbed on their arm. The light soon took the shape of a red heart. "Whaaaaaaaaa-" Nat asked as she pointed at frisk. They giggled as Nat kept at it. "It's my soul. It resembled the magic I have, everyone has one." Frisk explained, Flowey and Chara cleared their throats. "Most monsters have one." They corrected. "Do I have one?" Nat asked, Frisk shrugged their shoulders as Sans snapped his fingers. A blue soul then appeared in front of Nat's chest. "Why is mine blue?"

"Human souls are organized in seven different parts. Yours is integrity which would be odd." Frisk said. "Why is that?" Nat asked. "It usually means you'll never give up on something. The last human that went down the mountain that had the same soul was a ballet dancer." Flowey said, Nat smirked and looked at the soul. "We should be heading back." Sans said, Nat looked up and saw it was near sunset. "I should too. today felt really short." She said once the soul disappeared. "See you guys later." She said and waved goodbye to them. They did the same but Chara watched Nat go. They looked at the three ahead and sighed. "Sorry, but this woman is hiding something and I have to know what." They said and flew after Nat.

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