Chara finds out

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Nat silently walked through the forest with Chara hovering behind her. Nat looked around for a moment and listened for anyone before holding her wrist up. She pushed her sleeve up to reveal her suit under it which caught Chara by surprise. Nat pushed some buttons and looked ahead of her. Chara looked up and saw a house appear.

"Who are you?" Chara asked silently as Nat walked to the house. Chara quickly flew into the house as Nat opened the door to the small house to reveal a small kitchen, a bench press with a punching bag, a couch in front of a small coffee table which had a computer on it.

"Finally." Nat said as she took off her beanie and leather jacket. "Still kinda surprising that the skeleton didn't notice me." Chara's eye twitched as she finally realized who Nat was. Nat tossed the jacket and hat onto her bed which was somewhat hidden by a curtain.

"If you're that black widow lady, where's your friends?" Chara asked themselves as Nat sat on the couch and grabbed the computer. They hovered behind Nat as the computer turned on. After some random typing and stuff, a call came up on the computer. Nat answered it to reveal Nick.

"Anything new?" Nick asked, Nat scoffed as she leaned back a bit. "Yup, monsters and some humans have these things called souls which represents either how powerful they are or what they're like." Nat explained and then looked to the side.

"Is something wrong Romanoff?" Nick asked, Nat sighed. "I don't think this skeleton or these monsters are harmful." She said, Chara blinked in surprise. "They allowed me to go into the heart of their home and didn't harm me."

"People, or in this case, monsters, can be deceiving. Did you learn what they do when they are unaware humans are around?" Nick asked, Nat thought back. "No." She said, Nick nodded.

"Okay, just send a report in and then I need you to do some real field work." He said, she nodded and sighed before turning off the call. "Everyone has to know about this!" Chara yelled and flew out, Nat looked up at the door and glared at it as Chara flew to Frisk who was sleeping in the orphanage. "Frisk!" Wake up" Chara yelled and tried shaking Frisk awake.

"Chara?" They asked once Chara stopped. "Why are you so home late?" Frisk asked as they rubbed their eyes. "Nat isn't who they saw who they are! She's a spy and she's doing something bad!" Chara explained as she waved her arms in the air so fast it looked like she had a fan for arms. Frisk sighed and looked outside of the window that was by their bed.

"Can we do this in the morning? we have to help Sans." They asked, Chara looked at Frisk's tired state before sighing.

"fine, but we have to tell Sans when we have the chance to." Chara said, Frisk smiled and got comfortable in their bed. "Night Frisk." Chara said silently and hovered to the attic where Flowey was asleep next to a makeshift bed. Chara sighed and laid in the bed and looked at Flowey. "No one is hurting my family ever again." They said before closing their own eyes and falling asleep.

The next day...

Nat was getting her suit on as she was ordered. She walked out the house once she was ready and set her suit to camo. She looked at her invisible self and smirked silently. She walked through the forest until she saw the town and ran to a building and waited for someone to open the door and ran to the stairs. She kept on going up until she finally reached the roof.

"Woah." She said as she looked at the village ahead of her. "Guess I got my work out planned ahead for me." She said and started running across the roofs that were in the direction of the mountain. No one was up except for some people who were heading home because it was still dark out which gave Nat a slight advantage.

Once she ran out of the roof to run on, she continued in the trees until she found the familiar wood gate. She quietly looked at the top to see if anyone was there. There were only two guard dogs and they looked extremely tired as it was.

"How to get over without being seen." She asked herself as she saw one of the dogs itching their ears. She then looked at the tree itself and smirked. She grabbed two twigs and landed on the bridge.

"Huh? Who's there?!" One of the dogs yelled and aimed a spear at Nat. The other one came over with a growl until Nat raised the sticks in the air. She moved her arm side to side and the dogs followed. She threw the sticks over them and jumped down the wall as they chased them.

"Right then, I just have to find some place to hide until morning." She said as she walked through the quiet town. She kept on walking until something caught her eye. She turned her head to see a small structure that was covered in Christmas lights and had a pirate flag on it.

"Who lives here?" She asked herself, then she turned her head to two mail boxes. Each had writing but what surprised Nat the most was that this was the skeleton brothers home. She quietly climbed the walls until she saw into one window with Papyrus sleeping soundlessly in his race car bed. She raised an eyebrow before simply sighing and about to climb down until she heard a noise in the other window.

"No, no, no." Someone said as Nat climbed to that window and was confused when she saw Sans tossing and turning in his sleep. "No, stop." He mumbled as he grabbed the bed sheet. "No, no. Papyrus!" he finally yelled and shot up with his glowing blue eye. He touched his neck and looked around as sweat went down his skull. He sighed in relief before leaning his forehead on his hand.

"Not again." He said as his glowing eye disappeared. He sighed and looked at the wall ahead of him that had the window in that Nat was looking through right now. He hugged himself and looked at his bed. "The pile of weeds is right. I have to tell someone." He said simply before laying back down, Nat was now extremely confused.

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