Grillby reveals the human souls

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"The heck! Just because your part of a group that has saved the world once or twice, doesn't mean you can do what ever you want!" Nick yelled as Nat sat in a chair. She rolled her eyes. "Your cutting your chances! You can't just grab a monster and take him to another!"

"What was I suppose to do?!" She yelled and pushed herself out of her chair and glared at Nick. "Just let him waste away in his cell? Worrying endlessly about about the only dang familiar he has!"

"Yes! Their monsters and are labeled as a threat. They're just playing tricks on you to get into your mind! You can't trust them!" Nick yelled, she balled her fists.

"And were not?" She asked and looked at him. "You might've forgotten but were not all saints here. Steve was part of a war that killed many. Something was taken from me that made me forget about feeling emotions! Banner can turn into a giant beast! Clint helped Loki during the raid on this very ship and Stark mad missiles that also killed a lot of people!" She yelled as she slammed her fist onto the table

"Your right. But Banner has controlled his beastly side. Stark and Steve have retired from that part of the war and Clint wasn't in his right mind." Fury said as he straightened the files that were on his desk. "Something that can be forgiven because they have proved themselves.""If you think I'm gonna give up trying to prove you wrong, your wrong." She said, a small blue glow emitted from her chest. "I've been loyal to you and shield for so long and never asked for much."

"So you'll simply turn the cheek just for a few monsters?" Fury asked as he raised a brow. She straightened her form and glared at the wall. "To prove their innocent," A giant blue glow appeared. "Then yes." She said and her soul took form. She then turned the other way and walked out of the room. She waited until the door closed before stomping on the ground. 

"Kick to hard." She heard a voice and looked up to see Grillby. "You might get hurt." He said as he cleaned his glasses. "Why are you being nice to me?" She asked, he put his glasses on and looked at her. "Like Sans, I can read people. And I can tell your the only the one who cares about us. If you want, I can tell you the reason why we really were locked up." He said, Nat looked at the door before walking over to Grilby's cell door.

"Can you give me the quicker version?" She asked as she folded her arms. "I'm already on strike one with help Papyrus see his brother." She said, Grillby got up and snapped his finger to make his soul appear. "All monsters have the same color of soul. You humans and us monsters actually lived in peace once. But when the humans learned that we could adsorb human souls and became so powerful and if you have enough..." He said and paused. "You can break or destroy anything." She said.

"Including the barrier that kept us hidden. We never wanted to hurt you humans, even if you did kill the prince. When we first reached the village, all we felt was anger and hatred. Why do you think we stayed on the mountain?" He asked, she looked at her soul. "I don't know." She said, he sighed. "To avoid all this. We knew the dangers and tried to play by you humans rules. But no matter what we tried, there's always a way to make someone seem evil." He said and turned away to sit on his bed.

"I'm sorry." She said, he looked at her with surprise. "I want to help more but I don't think I can." "It's alright." He said, she looked at him. "Do you think you can actually do something for me?" He asked, she rubbed the back of her neck. "I just want to give Sans something. You can even test it if you want." He said and walked over to a bag. He put his hand in it and then pulled out a ketchup bottle. "Ketchup?" She asked, he chuckled as he walked over.

"When he came over to my bar, he always asked for the same thing. Just tell him it's from me." He said as he set the bottle on the compartment on a wall. It was then scanned and then pushed through the other side. he screen above the ketchup was analyzing the results. "100% ketchup." The voice said before Nat grabbed it. "Okay, but quick question." Nat said, he looked at her. "Frisk said there are seven human souls. I obviously I'm integrity. What are the other ones?" She asked.

"Let's see. Purple resembles perseverance" Grillby said, Nat remembered that's what Bruce and Stark had. "Yellow is justice." Steve and Thor. "Light blue is Patience." Clint. "Green is kindness, orange is bravery and red is determination." He said, Nat smiled. "Thanks. I also have another question." She said. "What was your name again?" She asked, he smirked. "The names Grillby, pl-" He held out his hand but then realize what he was doing. "Sorry, I usually shake hands with who ever I just meet." He said, she smirked.

"It's okay. I'll see you soon." She said and walked off. She was smiling until someone grabbed her arm. She turned to see it was Thor.' The heck!" She said, Thor shushed her and dragged her into an empty room. "You gonna tell me that' I'm wrong to?" She said as she folded her arms. "No and why do you have that?" He asked and pointed at the ketchup bottle. She looked at it. "I got it from one of Sans friends. Now tell me what you want." Nat said, Thor sighed.

"I was talking to my father a few moments. He had summoned me there and said something the tiny creepy said." Thor said. "And that is?" Nat asked. "Many universes like this one are collapsing on one another." He said. "But they haven't glitched in a while. Did your father say why?" She asked, Thor grabbed his chin in thought. "There is this legend that two equally strong beings keep the multiverse balance. Their names are unknown but there like Yin and yang. One destroys and another fixes. But for some reason there's been more fixing then destroying." He said.

"How can you tell?" She asked. "Heimdall has sensed it. He may not see them but he knows it." Thor said, Nat sighed. "Okay, see if he's got anything new. I'll keep on things down here. For as long as I can." She said. "What?" he asked. "Fury has informed me I'm stepping out of line for these monsters. I don't know if I can keep this up." She said, Thor sighed. "We will emerge victorious." Thor said and walked out of the door, Nat smiled a bit and made her way to Sans room.

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