Meeting Strange

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As Thor had said, he went ahead while Nat and Steve jumped along the roofs to get to the address. "Were almost there." Nat said and jumped on another roof. They finally reached their destination and looked at the window. "Interesting symbol." She said, she looked at the door and saw Thor waiting there while staying in the shadows. Nat and Steve used the fire escape and trash cans to jump down and walk across the busy street.

"Did you try knocking?" Steve asked. "No, I was waiting." Thor said, Nat smirked. "Did any fan girls get a picture of you with them?" She asked as she looked at the door. "A couple. But I just flew off when a hoard came." he said, Nat raised her hand and knocked on the door twice before being transported inside the building.

"Okay, not weird at all." Steve said. They looked around and noticed many artifacts, tapestries and books around this room. "Thor, son of Odinson." A voice said, they turned to the source to see someone floating in front of the window. "Steve Rogers. And Natasha Romanoff." They said and floated closer to reveal the doctor Strange. "You can put your weapons down." He said, they looked at one another before Cap put his shield and Thor put his hammer down. Once they did, they were suddenly transported into another part of the room. "So, earth has wizards now?" Thor asked as he Saw Dr. Strange leaning against a wall. "I preferred the term, master of the mystic arts. I need to ask you a few questions." Dr. Strange said, Nat raised her brow.

"Alright, who are you and why did you call us here?" Nat asked. "I was only expecting you two but he's fine." Dr. Strange said, ignoring them. "But my name is Dr. Steven Strange and I need you three to answer some questions." He said and looked at them with a fake smile. "Have a seat." He said and snapped his fingers. Yet again, they were transported but now they were sitting in chairs. "Would you three like anything to drink? Tea?" He asked, the three saw they had tea suddenly. "We don't drink tea." Thor said and looked at it. Steve nodded while Nat smelled it. "Well what do you drink?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Not tea." Steve said, Thor and Steve suddenly had beer. "Do you want anything else?" Dr. Strange asked Nat. "No, I'm good. You said you have questions for us?" She asked and set the tea on her lap as the boys drank their beer. Thor more chugged it than drank. "So I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms, AU's or timelines that may be a threat to this world. You little skeleton friend has been glitching out a lot and taking forms of the most dangerous version of him." Dr Strange said. "Like?" She asked, Dr. Strange sighed and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, two forms appear. One looked like Error and the other looked like Dust. "Oh, it's that purple eyed one and the other evil one." Thor said.

"Yes, the purple one was afraid of your other friend Frisk, who's still at that town if I'm right in an orphanage, had done a genocide route and killed everyone so he killed everyone to get stronger to eventually kill Frisk." He said. "Well, he's got some problems." Steve said, Dr. Strange chuckled. "What?" "That's just a minor part of it." He then snapped his fingers again. Horror from Horrortale appeared. Nightmare then appeared, Killer and few others also appeared. "Some of these other versions of him didn't really have much of a choice."

"I feel more bad than I did before." Steve said quietly, Strange hummed in agreement. "Yeah, I just want to know where Gaster is." Strange said, they were all confused. "You've seen him a few times. He's the monster that healed your buddy or kept him from dusting." "The sludge? We haven't seen him or Chara for weeks since the arrest." Nat said and looked at the cup. "What does he have to do with this?"

"Well, Gaster was stuck in the void. When he escaped, he didn't know how to close it. The void is in the center of a realm called the doodle sphere where a being of immense power watches, protects and creates those AUs." Strange explained. "So you're just gonna stick him back inside?" Nat asked, Strange shook his head. "He lost some of himself until he saw that picture you took. He's slowly coming back and can speak English again. He was a scientist so I think he should know how to fix the void."

"And if the void stays opened?" Steve asked, Strange hummed in thought. "I guess all you'll need to watch over is a few piles of dust. The void sucks in life and twists it. It has no space and no time." Strange simply said. "But we don't know how to fix it. Our friend Error also said he used to destroy AU's. Gaster is also a sludge, can't you call on the other skeleton?" Nat asked. "If I were to summon this other skeleton, the Error one would go back to the doodle sphere?" Strange asked. "Until Sans glitches out again. But he's made it clear he's not hurting anyone." Nat said. "Okay, I'll help you." He said. "Wait, if you knew he glitched, why didn't you help us sooner?"

"Because he didn't know for sure what was going on." Someone said, they looked up and saw Ink hanging upside down from a beam. He blinked and a star and a circle appeared in his eyes. "I'm not here." He said and made a bag of popcorn with his paintbrush which then fell on Thor's head. "Eep!" He said and jumped down. "Sorry, I forgot I was upside down." He said and dusted the popcorn off Thor's head.

"Who are you? How'd you get out my portal?" Strange asked Ink who was now sitting on his paintbrush. "I'm Ink sans! Protector, creator and helper of the AU's! Nice to meet you buddy!" He said and held out his hand to Strange.

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