Error and Fresh try to help

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"Is he okay?" Nat asked as Ink just looked at his vials in annoyance, Error scoffed as he tried to put the sash on Ink who was not making it easy. "Nah brah! Ink boy here nearly made an AU in a bunch of bad vibes yo." Fresh Sans said as he had one hand in his jacket pocket and the other gesturing to Nat. Lol, I can't type Fresh speak that good. TwT "O-okay?" Nat asked who was confused, Ink grabbed the vials before Error could put them on him and threw them to Nat who was entirely confused. She caught them and sighed in relief to see none of them broken. If Error, who doesn't really seem to care about anything or anyone, was making a big fuss about these weird vials, they had to be really important.

"Tell Nick to let the monsters free, some of them should be able to help the humans up here and down below. I'll take care of Betty." Ink said and ran towards Betty with an incredible speed. Error groaned in annoyance and just sat with an annoyed look on his glitchy face. "What are you doing?! Didn't you hear him?" Nat asked in frustration. "I really don't care anymore, so what if this AU disappears? Not my problem." Error said, Nat eye twitched as Fresh began to glitch a little and suddenly began a small version of himself with a different jacket and hat but same glasses. "Aw come on bro, you know if this here AU gets destroyed, all us Sans broksi's do to!" Fresh said from the Mama CQ AU. Error raised a brow at him in annoyance.

"What's he talking about?" Nat asked as she folded her arms, Error sighed and snapped his fingers to reveal a small glitching portal to appear in front of him. Nat looked inside and her eyes went wide. On the other side was the doodle sphere, a place full of thousands of AUs. "Your AU is the center of each and everyone of these and many, many, many more. What Fresh is trying to say is, if your Sans dies, so does every single version you've met of him and their au's." Error said, Nat looked at him with a horrified look. "Even you and Ink?" She asked, Error nodded and sighed as he got up.

"But something in my gut is telling me we gotta save your AU because of it." Error said and suddenly, he began to glitch out and he became another version of himself, one where he was the one who took Ink's place. The group then hurried to the guards, Avengers and Fury in hast. "HEY BRO! WE NEED TO TAKE OF THAT THINGY!" Fresh yelled and pointed at Kumu who was doing the job it was assigned to very well. "I'm on it!" Error said and grabbed his pen and drew a portal. He then flung the portal to Kumu who then teleported to a white void. One Error's portal had disappeared, he returned to his normal blunt look. Nat sighed when she saw Stark helping Fury up.

"Thanks for the help. little, guy?" Fury said when he saw Error who blinked in boredom. "What do we do? Betty can't control the Hulk and fight that weird other skeleton at the same time." "If you free the monsters, some of them can help." Nat said, Clint scoffed at the idea as he and the other avengers hurried towards them. "Last I checked, half them either want us dead, hate our guts and probably will fight us more than fight little miss pinkie back there." Clint said and pointed to Betty who was smiling evilly as she struck down Ink and snapped his giant paint brush in half, Error's eyes widened. "I think those monsters will be the last of your problems." Error said and pointed to Ink. They all looked over and saw Ink glitching as he stared at his paintbrush and snapped his head fast towards Betty who had a derp look on her face. "AVENGE BROOMIE, SQUID!" Error yelled, Ink then went nuts and kept fighting her. Fresh had returned to his normal self and grabbed Ink's vials.

"What are you doing with those? Shouldn't they be with-" Steve started but Nat stopped him. "Let me see... which one, which one." Fresh hummed in thought. He then stopped at a yellow one and grabbed it, flipped it open and drank some of it. The group blinked at him in disgust. "I really hope that's not paint." Thor said, but then he felt something behind him so he looked and saw Error with a giant stick hiding while staring at Fresh. "WOW! COME ON BROS! LET"S GO SAVE SOME OF THEM MONSTERS!" I pretty much gave up Fresh yelled as his glasses suddenly were labeled with "hyper" on them. He then dashed down to the elevator and jumped in an excited manner.Nat just shrugged her shoulders as the Avengers, Fury and Error followed him to the elevator and then hurried to the monsters. "Okay, release every monster! We gotta get them outta here!" Fury ordered some of the remaining guards. They did as they were told but none of the monsters came out.

"Come on you guys! We gotta get going!" Nat yelled, Undyne scoffed as she sat against the wall of her cell. "What's the point, once you're all done fighting whatever is out there," Undyne gestured to the ceiling where they heard a lot of thudding and crashing. "Who's to say you won't just come after us monsters?" Undyne asked, Nat looked at Papyrus for support but even he seemed to have given up hope. Nat looked at them all and sighed in defeat, Fury also sighed and walked in front of her. "We won't, I promise." Fury said, they all looked at him. "I understand you'd never want to help us humans after what we-, what I've done to you all. But you don't help us, your skeleton friend is going to be dust in a matter of seconds." Papyrus got off from his bed and walked over to Avengers. Fury looked at him with a blunt look. Papyrus then looked at the hall with a determined look. "We've been stuck in the underground for longer than I was born. That means humans haven't seen us monsters for centuries. Sure this wasn't what we had hoped had happened, some of us wished we had stayed in the underground but look at us now. The humans need our help and if we don't we'd be worse than they have been to us." Papyrus said, Mettaton came out of his cell.

"You may not know it, but Ms Romanoff here was trying to help us monsters after she got us arrested. But think about this, those humans up there have families too. They are risking everything they have to make sure the creature doesn't get to us. Now they want our help and all you want to do is sit on your butts and let them die? If Papyrus trusts them, even after all they've done to him, I'm with him!" Mettaton said with a smile, whispered then began to start as Fresh and Error looked at Mettaton with either a smile or a blunt look.

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