Found out

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Clint aimed his arrow at the target, taking a deep breath right before he let it go and went right through the center. He pulled back the bow and sighed in the silence, but then he stayed quiet as he walked over to his arrow. He pulled it out and, as fast as he could, got it ready and aimed at a presence behind him, his eyes went wide as he saw a black sludge. He then groaned.

"Jarvis, can you get someone to clean this up?" Clint groaned, but got no reply. "Jarvis?" He asked, then the sludge moved a bit and he aimed his bow in fear. "The heck?!" He yelled, the sludge rose up and two skeleton hands came out from it. "Stay back!" He yelled, the sludge then moved closer to him. He shot the arrow and started to freak out when the sludge had a hole where the arrow went through.

"Clint?" Someone asked, he yelped and turned to his left and saw Steve. "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked over. "What's wrong is there's this weird-" Clint yelled but stopped when he looked to see the sludge was gone.

"Clint." Steve said, Clint looked at his friend with confusion. "There's nothing there." Clint sighed and rubbed his eyes. "There hasn't been anything there. You've been acting like this ever since Nat left."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry, Have we gotten any word since her first outing?" He asked as he looked at Steve, who sigh and shook his head. Steve wasn't lying, ever since Nat left to go spy on Sans and the other monsters, Clint has seen the familiar black sludge every now and then but this was the first time it had interacted with him.

"Actually." Jarvis said, they looked up. "I'm getting an emergency call from Fury." They looked at each other before running off to the conference room to see the familiar eye patched man himself and Nat on the screen. Thor was resting his feet on the table as he tossed his hammer into the air and grabbed it while Stark and Bruce were standing up.

"Good to see you could make the party boys." Nat said as Clint and Steve walked in. "I was just telling everyone that there's a minor chance my cover was blown." Nat said. "But how? You're the best of the best." Thor said, Nat smirked.

"I'm pretty sure I got tattled on by a familiar friend of ours." Nat said as Bruce went through the photo's Nat sent him. "I overheard Frisk and the skeleton who's name is Sans, talk about the first human to disappear." She said, Bruce pulled up a picture of Chara. "But how? I thought the kid was dead." Stark said.

"And I thought skeletons stayed dead. Point is, I don't know if I can show my face again." Nat said with a sigh before typing on her computer. "I did however find out what happened to those kids who went up to the mountain." She said and sent the audio to the screen.

"And I'm glad, but you didn't give them MERCY to those other humans that had fallen. If you hadn't killed them, then we would've been free before then!" Toriel's voice said, Thor was about to speak but Nat held up her finger. "What about Chara and Asriel?" Asgore's voice said next. "The humans didn't spare them!" Asgore yelled and Nat stopped the audio.

"What are you implying, Romanoff?" Nick asked, Nat sighed. "I think what happened was that Chara fell down, they were brought to these two monsters that go by the name Toriel and Asgore." She said, Stark looked like he was thinking.

"Is there something you wish to add?" Nick asked. "Kinda odd that Asriel sounds a lot like Toriel and Asgore." Stark said. "Oh yeah, hold up." Nat said as she sped through the audio. "Here we go."

"You also know the only way of getting out of the underground is to collect seven human souls! I was thinking about my people!" Asgore yelled. "That doesn't make it right." Toriel said. "And running away into the ruins with Chara's body is?" Asgore said and Nat paused it.

"I think what happened was that Asgore and Toriel were married, and were basically in charge of the so-called underground at some point. Asriel was their kid, Chara was adopted when she was found. Something went down that caused Chara and Asriel to die which then caused Asgore to kill some human kids which then caused Toriel to run away." Nat said.

"But that still doesn't prove how this so-called Chara found you out. We also don't know what the kids' deaths have to do with trying to get these human souls." Nick said.

"If I may." Jarvis said, they all stayed quiet. "I believe that Natasha has had an encounter with these human souls. Do you mind if I tap into the video feed that was inside your jacket when you saw this Ms. Romanoff?" Jarvis asked.

"Go ahead." She said she uploaded the file and the video feed came up on the screen to see a happy Frisk holding a box of spaghetti with Flowey on their head. Sans was standing next to Nat with an unsure look. Just gonna skip this part because I'm too lazy to retype the whole thing.

"Well, I guess the soul isn't wrong." Clint said, Nat smirked. "I also feel another presence in the video." Jarvis said. "What do you mean?" Nat asked.

"I sense the same presence that is behind you that is in this video." Jarvis said, Nat was confused until Jarvis started going to work and paused at the moment when Nat's soul manifested. A glitched part of the video appeared around Frisk. It soon stopped glitching to reveal Chara hovering over frisk with awe. But the funny thing was, that the Chara in the present was hovering next to Nat with an awkward face.

"Welp, I'm dead." Chara's voice said through the video. Nat charged her wrist bands and shoved it right through Chara's head. Chara, however, seemed unfazed. They yawned and just floated into the air. "Come on, the comedian could've done better." Chara said.

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