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Nothing was said as the monsters were loaded up. A few monsters gave a few glares at Nat and some asked why she would do such a thing. Not even Temmie was their usual happy self.

"We trusted you." Undyne said as she stopped in front of the avengers to be scanned of how much a danger she was. "Sans might've kept secrets from many of us and did a few cruel things, but even he didn't deserve that." Undyne said, she was then pushed onto the transport along with a few of her friends. Papyrus was then next and he was being scanned. Nat looked at him and noticed how dull his personality was. He didn't say anything when the scanner beeped.

"Papyrus, I was just trying to help." Nat said, he looked at her. "Sans was the only one who really cared for me. He raised me into the monster I am today and always supported me. Now what kind of bad guy other than you and your friends would do such a thing?" Papyrus asked, Nat looked away and Clint growled.

"For your information, if your brother hadn't attacked that little human friend of yours, none of this would've happened." Clint said as he pushed Papyrus with his finger. "In fact, if none of you had never even come out of that mountain-"

"Do you know what it's like? To be locked away for thousands of years? No hope of even seeing the sun again?" He asked, Clint stayed silent. "Asgore told me that we monsters were locked away because we were more powerful or could become more powerful. We never did anything wrong in the past and we never did now." Papyrus said, another transport appeared and a medic bed came rolling out.

They watched as Sans was placed on the bed and strapped in. He was then rolled on and placed in the far back. Nat looked at Papyrus who was looking at the ground with tears in his sockets. Nat bit her lip and looked at the guard.

"Let the skeleton sit next to the other one." Nat said, everyone, including Pap was surprised. "I'm sorry but-"

"Did Fury give you an order to put them in specific spots?" She interrupted the guard. "No ma'am b-"

"Then put the skeleton with the other one." She said with venom in her voice. The guard nodded and pushed Papyrus on. "Thank you." Papyrus whispered as he walked by, Nat sighed and looked at the boy's surprised looks.

"What?" She asked, they looked away and some whistled. "Uh huh, that's what I thought." She said and watched as all the monsters were loaded on. She watched as Flowey was also scanned while being held in a pot. They were surprised that Flowey didn't have a signature.

"Your scanning for the wrong part of me, idiots." Flowey said, but he was still pushed onto the transport. It was around half the day until all the monsters were loaded on and Steve was looking at the destroyed village. "Everything's ready to go Cap." Banner said as he walked over to Steve but got no response. "Cap?"

"Other than new york, have you ever seen the aftermath of a battle?" Cap asked, Banner looked at the village. "No, I don't think so." Banner said, Cap sighed. "It looked just like this." He said, a moment of silence was between the two. "Did we find Chara and that other monster yet?"

"No, it might be possible they just disappeared." Banner said, Cap sighed while nodding before turning back to Banner with a smile. "We should get home then." Cap said, the Avengers jumped onto the last transport which luck will have, the skeleton brothers were on. Stark looked at them and at one moment, saw Papyrus wearing an orange hoodie while Sans wore the familiar suit of armor. They finally got to the transport and Sans was then being taken away from Papyrus.

"Where is he going! What are they doing!" Papyrus yelled as some guards held him back. Thor saw this and saw many scientists surround Sans as he was brought to the medic hall.

"It will be alright my friend." Thor said, some relief washed over Papyrus' face as he stopped struggling. "Your brother is simply being healed the best Shield's medical nurses and doctors have to offer. He will be fine." Thor said, Papyrus sighed. "Good, because he's the last family I have." Papyrus said, Banner was then looking on a tablet and sighed as he watched the replayed video.

"Sans has one HP." A voice said, he looked down and saw a hand cuffed Dr. Alphys. "S-sorry. You just seemed confused a-and I t-thought I-I could h-help." She said as she backed away for a moment. Banner noticed the coat she was wearing.

"Are you a scientist of some sort?" He asked, she nodded. "I-i'm the royal s-scientist. I c-could help you w-with any q-questions you have a-about our k-kind." She said with a nervous smile. "Thanks, I'm sorry about our friend." He said, Alphys sighed.

"Y-yeah. We a-all know about h-his condition." She said sadly as she looked at the ground. "Condition?" He asked., she snapped her fingers and a bar appeared above her head. 100/100. "W-we monsters have a h-health bar t-that usually fills u-up to o-one hundred. S-sans is unlucky. Even the s-slightest movement c-can dust him b-because he's h-health bar only g-goes up to o-one." She explained and sighed.

"Then why was he glitching?" Banner asked her. "I have o-over heard F-frisk and Sans t-talking about different time l-lines a-and AU"s. I think it's short for A-alternate Universe." She stuttered.

"That would make sense. Do you know what genocide and Resets are?" He asked her, she shook her head. "I've o-only heard F-frisk and S-sans talk a-about something like that." She said, a guard came up to her and grabbed her arm. She yelped and turned away. "Take it easy. There's no need to be harmful." He said, the guard nodded quickly and started walking with Alphys not far behind.

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