Hi Error, again

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Fury and a few guards walked down the hall to Sans room. Fury wasn't too surprised to see Nat was standing outside his door. "Ms. Romanoff." He said coldly, she folded her arms and glared. "Fury." She said, Fury sighed and turned to her. "The nurses say he's reached back up to full health so he'll be returning to his cell." Fury said, Nat opened her mouth to say something but Fury held up his pointer finger to silence her. "Also knowing you won't stop making sure these brothers are together no matter what, I've decided to allow them to have cells next to one another." He said, she seemed surprised.

"Suddenly have a change of heart?" She asked with a smirk. "No, I just have more pressing matters to worry about other than you running around the places and breaking a couple of rules." He said and turned to the door of which was being opened. Then they heard whistling and saw Error moving all the medical and basically anything with color out of the room.

"And done." Error said and looked up as he dropped the stuff. He blinked for a moment and looked down the hall that was full of cells with monsters. "Oh, I'm in classic's AU." He said and shoved his hands into his pockets. Nat looked at him and noticed he was glitching with the word ERROR floating around his body. "What timeline or AU are you from?" Nat asked, Error looked at her as if she was stupid. He then laughed for a moment and held his stomach while crying.

"Oh, that's funny." Error said and sighed as he wiped his eye socket. He then looked at Nat and snapped his finger, Nat's soul appeared and a chart above her appeared. "Natasha Romanoff." A voice said. "Ah, so you're the girl who is probably the only one that believes in the truth. Nice." He said. "Who in god's name are you." Fury said, Error looked at him.

"I'm Error Sans, Error the skeleton. Temporally former destroyer of AU's." Error said with a smirk. "So, you killed people?" Nat said, he moved his hand side to side. Unaware of a small glow under his feet. "In a way. I took human and monster souls and stashed them in my anti void. But I have to stop now because the void opened up, causing all the AU's to look like me." He said, then a glow appeared under his feet.

"What are you doing?" Fury said, the guards aimed their guns. "This isn't me. It's certainly not Dream or INK!" He yelled as the light opened up to reveal a portal and to suck him in. Then it closed up and revealed a paper. "What in the world." Nat said and grabbed the paper but before she could read it, there was a giant bomb. They looked and saw Thor running down the halls.

"I'm in need of talking with Nat." Thor said breathlessly. "Fine, I have more pressing matters to worry about. Sweep down this whole place for that midget of a skeleton" Fury yelled, the guards nodded and ran off into different directions. "What is it?" Nat asked and put the paper into her pocket. "Heimdal saw them. He said they looked like the tiny skeleton so-"

"if he glitches out again, he'll look like one." Nat said and looked at the ground. "One of them wouldn't happen to look like a glitch with a bunch of Errors around them?" "Certainly. Heimdal said that was the bad one. But they didn't seem to be fighting to the death, more about something being broken." He said.

"Welp, you just missed our glitch friend. He disappeared into a portal he claimed wasn't he and two other skeletons' fault. Before the Sans we knew disappeared, he mentioned he felt bad for an Error and Ink." She said and reached into her pocket again. "Great, how are we supposed to find them now?" He asked, Nat looked at the paper that was left. He looked at it and saw it was an address.

177A Bleecker Street

"Guess if we want any answers, we'll have to go here." She said, Thor nodded. "Meet me in an hour on the deck, make sure no one knows." She said he nodded and walked off. "No one knows about what?" Steve asked, Thor froze and turned to his partner. "Uh, nothing?" He asked, Steve raised a brow. "Fine. Heimdal said he saw these two beings who keep the two strong beings that keep the multiverse balanced. Right now, it's collapsing on one another and we just saw one of them. But then he disappeared, we found a card with an address and-"

"Your planning on going there." Steve said, Thor nodded. "Well, as you captain, I'm gonna come with you. Fury doesn't exactly trust you two so I'll simply cover your hides until we get there." Steve said and Thor nodded. He then walked off and Steve made his way to Fury's office.

An hour later....

"All set?" Nat asked as the midnight air blue onto her face. She turned to see Thor and Steve. She sighed and looked at Thor. "He caught me and he bought us an act that Fury believed so good." Thor said, Nat said and looked down at New york. "Okay, let's go then." She said and slowly walked backwards off the helicarrier. "So, was one of them really acting like a child?" Steve asked, referring to Ink.

"Yup. Or that's what Heimdal said." Thor swung his hammer and flew off. Steve looked at the sky and nodded for a bit."Definitely not weird at all." He said and ran off and jumped. He then dived after Nat and as Thor was gone. "I'll go ahead and head to the spot. Meet you there." Thor said through the coms.

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