Heimdal meets Error and Ink

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It had been a few weeks and Sans finally was about to stay awake as long as he usually does. Nat was basically the messenger but Sans didn't act as nice as Nat hoped to her. She understood why, but kept on glitching more and more than usual. Thor said Heimdal has had a time finding these so-called beings. "Okay, I could ask Sans but I highly doubt he'll tell me who these multiverse people are." Nat said outside of Sans room, which luck will have it, Sans was listening in on the conversation.

"What could he know? He is just a skeleton." Thor said. "A very powerful skeleton. Has Fury found out what I'm doing?" Nat asked, Thor shook his head. "He just wants us to stay here in case they turn." Thor said, Nat groaned. "Most battles aren't easy to win. especially if all your allies are against you." He said, Sans sighed and noticed his hand was glitching again. He looked at it and saw a metal plate on it.

"No, no, no, no!" Sans said and jumped into this bed and covered himself with his blanket. He took deep breaths as he kept on glitching. "Sans?" Nat asked as she walked in, he looked at himself and his eyes went wide. "You okay buddy?" "Don't look at me." He said as she walked over and pulled the blanket off to reveal Sans clothes had turned all white and he was now wearing a red scarf with his back turned to Nat.

"Sans? What happened?" She asked, Sans pulled his hood up and hugged his knees. "I hate this timeline." He mumbled. Nat sighed and sat on a chair. "Do you wanna tell me what AU this version of you is?" She asked, Sans looked at Nat to reveal the single blood coming down from his mouth and his half glitched eye. "I'm Geno. I'm from a timeline of this AU. This is just another result of a genocide route." Geno said, Nat looked at him sadly.

"Where'd you get the scarf?" She asked and looked at the scarf and saw dust on it. "It's Paps." He mumbled, she turned to him. "I'm sorry." She said, he looked away. "Know you know why classic is afraid of Frisk resetting. He's afraid he'll lose everyone he loves. That's not even the worst part." Geno said and looked at his hands. "When Frisk resets, no one but them is supposed to remember. But Sans remembers every, single, genocide. It soon gave him nightmares." He said and fell onto his back.

"There's so many cruel things that have happened to him." Geno said, then he glitched and turned into the handplates AU. "Was created to be a science project." He said, he glitched again and became Red from Underfell. "It's kill or be killed in my AU." Red said and glitched before becoming a smaller version of Sans. "I don't remember my family." He said before glitching back to normal Sans. Then he laughed a little. "I mainly feel bad for Ink and Error." He said. "Who are they?" Nat asked, but now he was snoring the day away. She sighed and got up. "Okay then.

With Thor....

Thor walked through the portal to see his familiar friend. Heimdal smiled as Thor walked over to him. "it is good to see you have returned." He said and walked down to Thor. "It's good to be back. Have you learned anything new?" Thor asked, Heimdal closed his eyes and tried to focus. "There is a dimension that has been hidden by many." Heimdal said and opened his eyes to see he was in a plain white world. "It's as blank as paper can be." He said, then he looked to his left and heard yelling. "There's another world." He said and walked to it. He looked inside to see the doodle sphere with millions of paper flying.

"I know it's messed up! What are you yelling at me for it! I didn't do anything!" Someone yelled with a glitched voice. "Someone is fighting." He said and turned to see two people. "Gee, maybe because you're sitting on your bum and not helping me fix it!" A higher pitched voice asked. Heimdal was confused as he walked closer to them.

"Maybe I like them broken!" The glitched voice yelled. "Glitch! The longer it's broken the lo-'' The higher pitched voice said but stopped. "What is it?" The glitch voiced one asked, Heimdal got close enough to see the one and only Error and Ink. "Someone's Here." Ink said and looked around. "I think they sense me." Heimdal said, Error rolled his eyes. "They look a lot like that skeleton friend of yours." he said, Error looked away from Ink and saw Heimdal and his sockets went wide.

"Uh, squid?" Error said, Ink looked at Error who pointed at Heimdal. "I think one of the AU's broke." He said, Ink looked at Heimdal and blinked. Then he gasped with joy. "It's Heimdal from Classic's AU!" Ink said with joy, Heimdal stepped back. "But, what's he doing here?" Ink said and his pupils turned into a question mark with a square.

"I don't know." Error said and walked over to Heimdal. Heimdal then closed his eyes again and opened them to reveal him back on Asgard. "They saw me." Heimdal said, Thor was surprised. "But I saw them." He said with a smirk.

With Error and Ink

"Where'd he go?!" Ink yelled, Error scratched the side of his skull as he looked around. "I don't know, I think he went back." Error said. "Okay, we need to plan and-" Ink said and turned to Error. "What? Do I have chocolate in my teeth again?" Error asked. "No, but you're glitching more than you usually do." ink said, Error looked down at himself and saw he was suddenly switching places with UT Sans.

"Oh, glitch." Error said right before Classic took his place. He was snoring and Ink walked over to him. "Uh, Classic?" He asked and nudged his side. He sighed when he got no response.

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