Grillby's bar

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Sorry about not updating in a while. If you go to my profile page, I've typed the reason why updates were and are probably going to be slow. But here's the chapter I took my sweet time to whip up.

The only thing they saw after stepping out of the void, was once again white but it was snowing harder and nearly blinding them. "This is where we part ways!" CORE yelled while using their hand to block the snow. "GOOD LUCK!" They yelled before disappearing. "Is it supposed to be snowing underground?" Steve asked as he used his shield to protect him. But he didn't get an answer. "Frisk?!" He yelled and looked over to see Frisk was just standing there, arms spread out in a t-pose.

"Frisk?" Nat asked, Frisk took a deep breath and put their arms by their torso. "Were in snowdin. Follow me." They replied simply and started walking, the avengers looked at each other before shrugging and following Frisk who seemed to be unaffected by the snow storm. They kept following Frisk until they opened a door to a building for the avengers. The room was dark, abandoned and overall dirty. But the avengers didn't complain as they started to set up camp. Frisk walked over to the window and stared at the snow storm outside for a moment. But then they saw something causing them to gasp quietly and back away.

"You alright kiddo?" Tony asked, Frisk whipped their head at him with a slight fear filled frown. "P-please don't call me that." They said and hugged themselves. Tony watched Frisk walk away to a corner. He sighed and walked back to his small makeshift lab as Thor went around the old bar to try and find anything. He then saw a box and opened it to reveal VH taps. "Did you find anything yet?" Clint asked, Thor put the box on top of the bar. He looked over to his left and saw an old TV. He walked over to it and blew the dust off it. "How many do you think these guys had?"

"Enough for us to wait out this storm." Frisk said as they put a hand up to the glass. "The last time I saw a storm like this was when I-" They stopped and balled their hands and sighed before turning to the group again. "My point is that this storm will take a while." They said and sat against the wall. "Okay." Nat said, the TV then sparked to life when Thor tapped his hammer against it. Thor proudly smiled at himself before reaching a hand into the box and putting a tape into the TV. It turned black for a moment until it showed a room filled with monsters and two skeleton brothers. The way the video was taped showed the camera was hiding behind the bottles on the shelving behind Thor.

"Sans?!" A younger Papyrus yelled as he walked into the bar. He seemed to be talking to a monster, Thor looked at the bar to see Sans was passed out while holding a ketchup bottle. Grillby seemed to be cleaning a dish like usual. The monster Papyrus spoke to pointed at the bar and went back to his business, Papyrus only sighed and walked over to Sans and poked him. "Your brother seems to make it common to come here and get drunk. Care to tell me why?" Grillby asked Papyrus who sighed. "He's found out something and won't tell me. He promised me when we moved here that he'd keep n secrets from me, especially if it was about who we really are." Papyrus mumbled as he sat down. Grillby nodded. "It's starting to scare me how he's acting because he's hardly taking care of himself, which is almost not at all." Papyrus mumbled.

"I'm sure he has a good reason." Grillby said and slid a cup of water to Papyrus. "It's on the house since this is your first time here." Grillby said, Papyrus sighed and looked at the glass. "I have a sister of my own, she can be quite stubborn and keeps a few secrets from me." "Then how do you make her tell you?!" Papyrus yelled, Sans groaned slightly and moved away, Papyrus sighed in relief to see his brother was still sleeping. "I don't." Grillby said, Papyrus was confused. "While yes, it does seem like he should tell you, you need to try and understand from his side the story. Everyone has a reason as to why they do what they do." Grillby said, Papyrus looked at the fire monster and drank the water. The video then ended to reveal Frisk was looking at the screen as well. "Sans does everything to protect the ones he cares about, he'll do anything to make sure they'll stay safe." Frisk said and then rubbed their arm. Banner looked at them and narrowed his eyes.

"You've done something to him, haven't you?" Banner said, the avengers looked at Frisk who began to glitch slightly. Frisk looked less guilty for a moment and scoffed. "Of course I did. I killed Papyrus brother and everyone in the underground." They said and began to hover slightly. The avengers looked horrified, Frisk opened one ruby red eyes and looked confused. "Uh, I'm from an AU where everything swapped out. But Frisk from your AU did kill, let's see since Sans is the annoying happy one..." They said and held their chin in thought. "Your Frisk kills Papyrus and everyone but Sans until they went to the judgement hall." The Frisk said, the Avenger still looked horrified. "Would you guys stop staring at me like that?" They said and hovered in the air while seeming to be in a relaxed mood. The avengers watched more of the tapes and would question the different version of Frisk when they appeared. Some were helpful and some weren't.

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