Talking to Chara

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Nat slammed shut the computer and aimed her wrist bands in the spot she saw Chara.

"I know you're here." Nat said and listened quietly, Chara was floating upside down with a smirk. "You're a coward if you're hiding." She said, Chara glared at her and snapped her fingers, causing Nat's soul to appear. Chara floated over to it and poked it, causing Nat to stagger back and close her eyes.

"Testing, one two, one two." Chara said as she floated onto Nat's couch, she looked up and yelped to see the dead child sitting their with a smirk. "Yeah, only Frisk can see me like you are now because they have determination. Now you do to." Chara said and looked around.

"Listen up you little-"

"Do you have any chocolate?" Chara asked as she walked over to Nat's fridge and opened it. "Hey! That's my food!" Nat yelled as Chara grabbed a chocolate bar. "Was your food." Chara corrected and floated into the air as they opened the bar. "Kinda cool your robot friend found me out. That's about four down and the whole entire world to go." Chara said.

"Can you take this seriously for like one minute?" Nat asked, Chara looked at her and groaned. "You sound just like Frisk! So annoying!" Chara yelled and kept on eating the chocolate bar. Nat sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Why are you here? How are you here?" Nat asked, Chara looked at Nat for a moment.

"I was the previous human soul of determination. I died when I tried to save monster kind, got Asriel killed in the process and eventually got buried in the ruins. I was asleep until Frisk fell into the underground and now I attached myself to them." They said simply and finished their snack before looking at Nat. "Any other questions?"

"Yes, if you'd actually let me ask them." She said, Chara stayed quiet. "If monsterkind wants to be at peace, why did Sans attack us? He could've simply teleported away."

"You don't remember? You were there." Chara said, Nat blinked. "When we thought you first met Sans? He was going on and on about how his brother got taken away because Frisk and I did a genocide route." They said simply, then they blinked.

"What's a genocide route?" Nat asked, Chara smiled nervously. "I didn't say genocide! I said uh, chocolate?" Chara asked, Nat raised a brow. "Look, I'm not supposed to say anything about the timelines and such. Otherwise, the comedian is gonna have my non-existent soul for it." They explained.

"Timelines?" She asked, Chara groaned and looked at Nat. "I'm leaving." They said and floated away. "WAIT!" Nat yelled and grabbed Chara's arm. "Get your filthy hand, OFF ME!" Chara yelled as they turned to Nat with dark eyes and ooze going down from their eyes. Nat pulled her hand away and looked at Chara in horror. Chara noticed and looked away while wiping the ooze away.

"What, happened to you." Nat asked, Chara looked at the table to see a knife stuck in a cutting board. "You don't want to know." They said and walked through Nat's door.

While else where...

"I need all of you to go. If word got out that Romanoff was discovered, it could be bad." Fury said to the avengers, they all then ran to a quin jet's and started up one.

"Come one, come on!" Clint said, Thor walked into the jet last, but he didn't see the black sludge make its way into the jet. Thor looked behind him as the door closed and saw nothing. So he simply shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

"Jarvis, chart the fastest route to Nat's location." Stark said as he buckled up to the pilot's seat. "Will do sir." Jarvis said as the plane took off. It took about two hours to get to Nat. Stark turned on the cloaked and landed in a hidden spot in the forest just a few minutes away from Nat's base.

"Jarvis, do a scan for any monsters." Steve instructed, the sludge then hid behind Thor's hammer in an attempt to hide from the scan. "There is nothing, captain rogers. However, I do not seem to see Romanoff's signature anywhere. There is no evidence of a fight or a struggle." Jarvis informed, the avengers got out of the quin jet with the black sludge not far behind.

"Nat probably went to go spy on the monsters again to see how bad the situation was." Banner said, that's actually what Nat was doing at the moment. She was running through the town, attempting to find Chara.

"You did what?!" She heard Frisk yell to her left, she turned to see a tent and walked over to it. She then peeked through the holes to See Sans sitting on a chair with Flowey resting in a pot that was on top of a table next to Sans while Frisk seemed angry at the calm ghost.

"What'd they do?" Sans asked, clearly annoyed. Frisk sighed. "They talked to Nat and reveal the timelines and genocide routes." Frisk said, Sans sighed.

"How are we gonna get out of this one? No one but us knows about the timelines and the other AU's." Flowey said, Sans sighed and looked at frisk who seemed like they were thinking.

"Frisk, do you have an idea?" Sans asked, Frisk looked up, Chara and Flowey looked at them while Sans looked like he was normally tired. "I had this thought. That if no one but us remembers the timelines, maybe I could re-"

"No." Sans said, Nat seemed confused why Chara seemed scared until she looked at Sans to see his empty eye sockets. Flowey etched away as Chara hid behind Frisk. "But it would be so much easier!" Frisk said.

"I SAID NO! That's all you did when something seemed to hard! Reset that, reset this! You promised no resets!" Sans yelled as he stood up, Frisk seemed scared. "Do you know how many nightmares I have of you in the genocide routes!" He yelled and pointed at their chest. "How do I know you won't get bored again!" He yelled, sweat went done Frisk's face.

"I won't, I promise!" Frisk said.

"Like how you promised you'd never reset?" He asked, he then sighed and turned away. "It's just unfair. Making me believe that we- that I had a future to look forward to." He said and rubbed his foreskull. Nat frowned a bit. "But." he paused and looked at the wall in front of him. "Since you like breaking promises." He paused again and used his magic to make Frisk hover.

"Sans!" Flowey and Chara yelled, Frisk looked at their now blue soul. "You don't mind if I break mine?" He asked and glared at Frisk. He raised his hand and was about to summon a blaster. This was enough for Nat and she ran back to her home. But what she didn't see was that Flowey slapped Sans in the face.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled with tears streaming down his face. Sans let go of Frisk and scoffed. "You just made a grave mistake." He said and walked out of the tent, unaware that it would soon be his fault of something that would happen to him, his friends and Papyrus.

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