Chara vs the avengers

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"Jeez, what happened to all the candy I got her?" Stark asked as he opened the fridge to find all the candy was gone. The avengers were looking inside Nat's base of operations and it was suddenly quiet, until the door randomly slammed opened. Stark aimed his repulsors at the door until Nat turned off the invisibility.

"Nat?" Clint asked, Nat started taking deep breaths. "Note to self, never run down a mountain that could possibly have bears on it." She said as she walked to the couch. "Romanoff, report?" Steve asked, Nat sighed.

"Nick was right, monsters can be deceiving. I just saw Sans try to hurt the kid." Nat said, then she opened her computer to see Fury already there. "You were right, they were classified as a threat. A new one though, so be ready." She said.

"On it, just send the coordinates and I'll send over the helicarrier." He said and turned off the video. She then started typing and went through the pictures she took.

"Banner. I need your brain for a minute." She said, he hurried over as Nat pulled up the picture that she took from under Sans mattress. "Do you know what this says?" She asked, he put on his glasses and looked at it. Then she heard Tony's repulsors and looked up to see it was aimed at her.

"Don't, move." Clint said, then black goo landed on her screen. She looked up and saw a skeleton's face. Banner tried to stay calm as a skeleton hand floated over to the computer and wiped off the goo before taking it away from Nat and moving away from the couch.

"The heck is that?!" Nat asked. "I don't know but I've seen it around the tower ever since left." Clint explained. "But he's always gone the next minute." He said. The goo looked at the picture and glitched a bit.

"S-sa-sans." The goo said and pointed at the blue short skeleton. Nat looked surprised, Banner was about to ask what was going on but she shushed him. The goo then pointed to the orange skeleton. "P-pap-papyrus." The goo said. "What's it doing?" Clint asked, the goo then pointed at the middle burnt skeleton. "M-me." It said, it then turned to Nat. "Family." it said and moved closer to her, causing her to scoot back. "Where?" He asked, she pointed out the door.

"On the mountain." She said quickly, it simply looked at the door before holding out the computer to Nat. Once she took it, he started glitching and disappeared. "What in odin's beard just happened?" Thor asked.

"I don't know. But we should evacuate the citizens in the city before fury and the Calvary get here." Steve said and walked out the door, everyone followed him. But suddenly stopped once they were all outside. "Jarvis, do a scan for me real quick." Tony asked, Jarvis did as he was told.

"It appears the one that is called Chara, is nearby." Jarvis said, suddenly, hearts appeared in front of all the avengers. Clint's was light blue, Steve and Thor's were yellow, Stark and Banner were purple. They looked at their souls and each saw Chara poking it.

"The heck just happened?!" Clint yelled and looked around. "What in Asgore's name did you do!" They heard Chara's voice yell echo through the forest. Then Nat looked around and looked at the roof of her house."Uh, guys." She said, they looked and saw Chara with their familiar ooze eyes and it going down their face.

"All you had to do was back off! I did as you asked and now your punishing us!" They yelled, the forest became darker as Chara looked at the ground. But then, they started laughing. "There's no one you can trust in this world." They said and looked up. "Including a soulless being!" They yelled and jumped down, causing a crater. Everything became black and white as a scoreboard appeared behind the avengers and Chara.

"Jarvis, do a scan." Stark said, no answer. "Jarvis?" "Ah, ah, ah." Chara said as they moved their finger side to side. "I get to go first." they said, four buttons appeared in front of them. "You will let us go or feel the wrath of my hammer!" Thor yelled, Chara smirked and looked at the fight button.

"Not unless you can dust me." Chara said as they pushed the FIGHT button and a knife appeared in their hand. Chara started laughing like crazy as they ran to the Avengers. Chara then jumped up high and sent a giant slash mark down which then hit all of the Avengers.

"Dust you? What does that even mean?!" Steve asked, Chara smirked until they started glitching. "No, no, no!" They said and looked at their hands. They soon went back to the normal looking Chara and back to creepy. The nicer one looked at the avengers. "Push MERCY! I'm not supposed to be doing this!" They yelled and dropped the knife.

"Mercy?" Banner asked, he turned to the buttons and saw four buttons. He then pushed the act button and more options appeared. He then pushed the check option. "Chara, LV 19." A voice said. " HP ???, AT 20, DEF 20. Chara is fighting their past." The voice said again.

"YoU HAve tWo sPArE ME!" Chara yelled, Banner went back and pushed the MERCY button. Everything soon went back to its original colors but Chara kept on glitching. They sat on their knees and saw their appearance was changing from Frisk, one where they were wearing a green hoodie and another where she was wearing a white button up shirt with black pants and dancing shoes. "What the heck is going on?" Stark asked, Chara stopped up and looked at the groups.

"The void is opened. The other AU's are crashing onto one another." They said and sighed before laughing for a moment. But then stopped and looked at the avengers. "You'll be in for a bad time if you don't call back your friends." They said as they appeared in the green hoodie again. "Why is that?" Banner asked.

"If you attack Sans, who knows which AU will pop up." They said with a horrified look as their eye's became black and a red slash mark appeared on their chest. They looked down and eyes went wide. "You need to call them back, now!" Chara pleaded. But then the air became stronger as they looked up and saw the helicarrier.










"It's too late." They whispered before disappearing.

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