Learning a bit about monster history

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Back in avengers tower...

Tony sighed as he looked at the screen that Jarvis was analyzing Sans blood. He was about to fall asleep until Steve walked in.

"Anything?" Steve asked as he walked over to the desk that had Tony's feet on.

"Nope, still kinda odd the skeleton has blood." Tony said.

"Well, if any one can crack it, it's you and Banner." Steve said.

"I'm gonna assume you didn't just come in here to compliment me on how much smarter I am than you." Tony said as he turned to Steve who smirked.

"You found me out. Fury's ordering a meeting." Steve said and walked out. Tony sighed and got up.

"Great, more of the big bosses' complaints." Tony said and started walking out.

"I will continue while you are gone sir." Jarvis said, Tony gave a thumbs up as he walked out of the lab. Once both of them were out of the lab and only a few feet away from the door, they heard Nick yelling.

"What do you mean it got away?" Nick yelled as the door opened to reveal the rest of the avengers sitting in the conference room. Nat was sitting with her arms across her chest. Thor was leaning back. Clint had his feet on the table and his hand behind his head while Banner sat forward with his elbows on the table and his chin resting in his hands in a serious manner.

"The skeleton simply teleported away after we attacked it." Thor answered, Nick sighed as Steven and Tony sat down in the two empty chairs.

"I told you to not be in the hostel. For all we now, hydra could be planning on attacking that town now." Nick said.

"If I may, I don't think hydra has anything to do with this. Or Loki." Banner said as he sat up straight.

"Your point?" Nick said in annoyance.

"It's just a theory but uh, I think I might've found out why that kid was nearby." Banner said, everyone was quiet and looked at him. He stood up with a tablet and walked to the screen that Nick was on. "A few years ago, this kid named Chara went up the mountain." Banner said and pulled up a picture of Chara.

"They look just like a kid." Nat said, Banner nodded. "Do they have any family?"

"Uh no, both the kid and Chara were orphans I believe." Banner said as he typed on the screen. "I also found out the locals call the kid Frisk. Anyways, uh, legend has there was a war about millions of years ago." Banner said as he looked at the team.

"How is this relevant, Dr.Banner?" Fury asked.

"The war was between humans and monsters. The cause is unknown but as you can guess, humans won and locked them underground long ago under the mountain. The legend says that the barrier that keeps them locked away can be broken with seven items." Banner said.

"So your saying that the monster suddenly just had those items? Why break out now?" Clint asked.

"That's the thing, every time a kid went up the mountain alone, they never came back." Banner said.

"So they're keeping hostages." Steve said.

"I don't think so. Because our friend Frisk was the last one to go up there and we did just see them today. Also, they each came up in different decades." Banner said.

"So we find the kid, we get some answers?" Tony asked.

"I guess." Banner said.

"Sir." Jarvis' voice sounded in the room. "I have completed the scan. I must say, I found some interesting things about this so-called monster." Jarvis said.

"Like what?" Fury asked, another screen appeared on the screen.

"The substance is blood but when analyzing, I found some blood cells disappearing and reappearing. Almost as if it was teleporting. There is also another substance in this blood. According to Dr. Banner's research, the substance is most commonly known as magic."

"Is there anything else you found out, Jarvis?" Nick asked again.

"Yes, following up on the children that had disappeared, they have magic in them. Just not as high as this skeleton did." Jarvis said and images of the kids appeared. "According to old letters from the ancient ages, the barrier could be broken by collecting something called human souls."

"Is that all?" Tony asked.

"Sadly, yes. But I do agree with your plan. However, Frisk has been seen with a flower of some kind that possesses life. In a way, it is like a monster."

"So if we do get this kid, the flower could do what?" Thor asked.

"I believe you have already met this flower before." Jarvis said, a video then came up of when the rocks were being thrown at them. Then it was paused to see Flowey with a creepy smile on his face.

"Well, that's not creepy." Nat said

"I also did a scan of it and learned there was dust on the flower. Fun fact, when a monster dies, it's body turns to dust." Jarvis said, Nick sighed.

"Alright, until you can learn more, we will only watch them. Nat," Fury said, she looked up. "Does your tech still work?" Fury asked, she smirked and became invisible. "Alright, I want you to follow this skeleton and see if you can find these other monsters. Do not engage." Fury said and images of Undyne, Papyrus and Toriel appeared on the screen.

"Will do." She said once she came back.

"Alright, we got our orders." Tony said once Fury left, Nat went to her room to pack.

"Leaving so soon?" Clint said as he leaned on the door frame.

"The faster I leave, the more I can learn." She said and finished packing. "Don't drive the guys to crazy." She said and walked over to him. She passed him and went down the halls and he followed.

"Why'd you pack so light?" Clint asked, it was true, she mainly just packed clothes and the essentials.

"I'm gonna be spying, not going on a vacation." Nat said as they went to where all the quinjets were. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone." She said as she got into the jet. He shook his head as she started the engine and flew out.

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