Songs and lies

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Ta-da! I'm bad at drawing dogs/wolves (Idk) so I hope I got it right. On with the story!

Toriel gripped her hands together as she sat on her bed. She sighed and looked at her door. Across from her, she saw Undyne hugging herself, Alphys looking at a picture in her hands, Papyrus was down the hall and what was worse than being locked up? Being in a cell next to your ex. Since the fight, she hasn't heard a peep from him and she was glad. She found it quite peaceful but even with no yelling heard, she could sense her people's pain and it hurt her on the inside. This caused her to sigh and to look at the wall that was a part of Asgore's room. The pain from her subjects became too much for her to bear until she just sighed and remembered simpler times.

"How I wish I could fix this." She whispered among herself. Then a thought was popped into her head. She remembered the festivals that were held when the anniversary of the underground being locked was celebrated all day long and she and Asgore would sing a song at the end. It might have been depressing in some way but she always reminded them that the song was to remind them that they were whole and nothing could break their spirits.

She only sighed and stood up and quietly walked to the wall that blocked her view of Asgore. "Asgore?" Toriel asked, she didn't get a reply. "I understand your mad at me. But I also know that you and I can agree on something." Toriel said, she heard a shuffle and straightened her form. "This would be?" Asgore asked, she sighed. "Do you remember the festival that would celebrate throughout the underground? And at the end we'd sing a song at the end?" She asked, no reply. "I care for the people of the underground as much as you do. Maybe if we try it, it'll make everyone feel better?" Toriel asked, it was a moment of silence before she heard a sigh. "Fine, but this doesn't fix anything." He said, she smiled before walking to her cell door and taking a deep breath.

Come little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children, the times come to play
Here in my garden of shadows~

She sang, many of the monsters looked up as Toriel's voice rang through the halls. Asgore took a deep breath as well before closing his eyes. Many women began to hum.

Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not poor children, for life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions

Toriel and more began to hum, even Undyne and Alphys joined.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would they be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Many began to hum once again to the rhyme. They didn't care if guards were yelling at them to stop.

Hush now dear children, it must be this way
To weary of life and deceptions
Strange things did happen here
No stranger it would be

If we met at the midnight in the hanging tree/ Into the calm and the quiet~

A sudden moment of silence was then rushed over them all but they stayed in their potions as they stood in front of their doors with their eyes closed.

Are you, are you coming to the tree
Through all the pain and the sorrows?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger it would be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree/ Murdering beauty and passions

Strange things did happen here, no stranger it would be/Weep not poor children, for life is this wayIf we met at midnight in the hanging tree/ Murdering beauty and passions

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee
Come little children, the times come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

As they sang, their souls appeared. They glowed brightly harmonized together. Some of the guards' human souls even appear but not to be pulled on. With the monster's magic it simply allows their souls to appear.

Come little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment

Come little children, the time's come to play/Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

Here in my garden of shadows/If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

They all stopped and the magical aura around the monsters and humans suddenly disappeared. Toriel smiled before looking at the wall and frowning. She could only sigh again and sit onto her bed. She however was unaware that Nick was watching this on his camera feed. He looked at his chest and saw a faint glow but couldn't tell what the glow was. He sighed and looked at the screen. "If you acted hostile before, why not now?" He asked, then he heard a knock on his door. He turned off everything and looked at the door. "Come in." He said and leaned back slightly, until he saw guards walking in while holding Nat's arms. He sighed as he rubbed his brow. "You better explain why he disappeared. Or your career is out on the line." He said, she shoved her arms out of their grasp and gave them each death glares. "Leave us." He said, they nodded and ran out.

"It was some wizard that took him away because he became another dark version of himself." Nat explained, she gave him the short version but kept Ink out of it. "So you're saying if we don't want these monsters to die, we need to find this other monster who did experiments on his own kids in this place called hot lands and he'll suddenly just help us?" Nick asked, Nat blinked but nodded. "And you got all this from a wizard." He asked, she nodded again.

"I know how crazy this sounds but even you got to have seen that these monsters have been getting weaker with each glitch." She said, he looked at the table in guilt. "What?" She asked, he sighed and picked up a remote. "I have seen this." He said and turned to a video feed to show an old monster sitting against the wall. "In a way I think it may be too late." He said, the monster suddenly started to glitch like crazy and when the glitches disappeared, all that was left was the monster's clothes and a pile of dust. "No one but these monsters knows where this Hot lands in. If it involves a lab, I recommend you talk to Banner's new friend" Nick said as he stood up and looked at his windows.

"The royal scientist?" She asked,Nick nodded. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She asked, he sighed and looked at his reflection. "I want you and the rest of the avengers to go on a mission to find this hot lands, bring the monster here and we will question him afterwards." He said, she looked at the door. "It was never my intent to test on this monsters." He said, she looked at him with surprise. "I only wanted to question them but I knew that if I stole one..."

"You thought they would hurt people until they found them." She said, he nodded. "I wanted to be sure that we could trust them. But from research that was provided with the oldest monsters here that can think right, I believe I may have been wrong." Nick said and turned to her. "I'm only keeping them here because they have no place else to go." He said, she smiled. "Good to know." She said and placed her hand on the table with a smirk. "Do you need me for something else?" She asked, Nick swayed his head to signal her to leave. "Alright, see you." She said and walked out. He sighed before turning to the windows again.

"Sorry Romanoff." He said and reached for the screen next to him. "But i'm not ready to accept that fact." He said and closed the window and turned to his screens. He turned them on to reveal data charts on most of the monsters."I had to say something to make sure you didn't stop me."

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