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The flight to the helicarrier was quiet, most of the avengers were glaring at Tony. Tony Stark, out of the whole team, he was the one who was trying to stop things like this from starting and yet, he lied to their faces about wanting to help the people of earth. The silence was soon enough broken when they saw the helicarrier and had to call in a landing spot. But once they stepped off the jet, they could tell something bad had happened. All the crew on the helicarrier avoided eye contact with any of the Avengers and Thor gripped his hammer as they walked down the halls. But before they went to Fury's office, they decided to walk through the halls of where the monsters were kept. Banner looked around at the shaking and fear filled monsters in each. He yelped when he tripped on something.

"Huh?" Banner asked himself as he steadied himself and looked to see what he had tripped on. It was a small red ball, so he simply picked it up and heard whimpering. Banner turned to his left to see a bunny monster was looking at him with fear filled eyes. He looked to his right to see a snake monster was glaring at him. Banner looked at the bunny and walked over to her, she started to back away out of fear. "Please, d-don't hurt me." She whimpered when she hit the wall, Banner froze. Did Fury really... , no I'm sure it's because i'm human. Banner thought as he kneeled down and rolled the ball to the bunny monsters cage and then ran over to the rest of the group. "Sorry guys, I ran into something." Banner said as he finally caught up to the group but saw they had stopped by an empty cell with scratch marks all around it. "What happened here?" Banner whispered to himself.

"Your friend happened." They heard someone growl. They looked to the cell on the left side of the empty cell to see Undyne glaring at each of them with her arms folded. "Thanks to you, Sans cell has been empty." She growled. "What are you implying?" Steve asked as he looked at her, she scoffed and looked away. "Your friend Fury lied." They heard someone say behind them. They turned to see a banged up Papyrus who was sitting on his bed, hugging his legs to his chest while facing the Avengers. "He said he wouldn't d-do tests o-on us. W-when I came b-back from being t-tested on, S-sans, h-he-" Papyrus choked on his tears and hid his face behind his knees. "What happened to the tiny skeleton that would cause the usual happy skeleton to cry?" Thor asked while facing Undyne while pointing his hammer at Papyrus. Undyne looked at them with shock and began to laugh. "Wow, I seriously can't believe this! It's because of you stupid heads that we haven't seen Sans or heard anything about him for three days!" Undyne yelled while pointing at them, they seemed so confused. She growled and punched the force field, she yelped and pulled back her hand.

"Oh no, are you alright Undyne?" Pap asked, Undyne growled as she began to glitch as did Papyrus. The avengers looked at them as Undyne's hair was suddenly in a bun, wore glasses and white lab coat while Papyrus went back to the orange hoodie with shorts. "I-I am fine P-papyrus.." UnderSwap Undyne said as she shook her hand, Nat walked over to her, causing Undyne to yelp in fear. "Do you know what happened to Sans? In this AU?" Nat asked in fear, Undyne narrowed her eyes a little. "No, I don't. You know, Pap in this AU was the only one who still believes you can help us." US Undyne growled, then she began to glitch into Horrortale Undyne with a growl. "I recommend you keep your work." She growled as she returned back to her original Undyne. Nat balled her hands and growled and turned to the hall.

"Uh oh, I know that look." Clint says as she stopped off with a glare on her face. The Avengers hurried after her as she opened the door to Fury's office, ignoring the client trying to stop her. "He is in the tightest, most secret kept place we could think of Sir, this skeleton isn't going anywhere." A woman said as she stood in front of Fury as he had his back turned to her. "Did you apply Operation HULK on it? I don't want that thing getting out and alarming other monsters." Fury said, Banner eyes had widened a bit, after all this time, Fury was lying about trusting Banner. Nat slammed opened the door with narrowed eyes. "Out, now." She growled to the woman, the woman hurried out as the other avengers walked behind Nat with disapproving looks on their faces. "You lied to me."

"You're going to have to elaborate on this." Fury said, not turning his back away from the group. "Don't give me that CARP!" Nat said, she froze. "CARP, I can't curse?" Nat asked, Fury pointed at the wall, then looked over to see a camera was transmitting video feed of Fresh sans whistling in a dark room tiled with metal. "Any time he turns into that version of him, curse words get replaced with words that sound like the actual word you're trying to say. How'd the mission go?" He asked and turned to the group but narrowed his eyes when he didn't see Gaster. "Where is the m-"

"We can fight about the mission later, right now, we need to look for someone by the name of Betty Noire. She uses fear against humans and monsters and has probably been here the whole time." Nat said with her arms folded. "If you just let me talk to Sans, maybe he might know how to get rid of her." Nat said, Fury froze and said nothing. "I know you're mad at me b-" Nat was suddenly interrupted by a little girl's laugh. The windows in the office slammed shut. Fury groaned as he suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes glowing bright pink. "What is Odin's beard in happening?!" Thor yelled as everyone grabbed their weapons, Banner hurried over to Fury and tried checking his pulse.

"On your left!" Steve yelled, everyone but banner turned to the direction Steve ordered them to turn and saw Betty Noire standing there with a creepy smile. "Amazing job! I honestly thought I'd have more fun with Fury but even humans can be expendable." Betty said and waved her hand in a sweeping motion. Fury's eyes returned to their normal color as he gasped and sat up straight, fast to. Fury took deep breaths and looked over at Betty. "What are you going to do now?! You've already got your wish!" Nat yelled as she aimed her guns at Betty. "You've already hurt the monsters and us humans!" Betty giggled a little. "See, the funny thing is, the monsters not only hate you for hurting that stupid skeleton, but they FEAR you! So what would happen if something, oh I don't know, killed that stupid of a skeleton? The whole underground knows he's pretty strong." She said, Clint gripped his bow tight.

"Were not letting you hurt any more families, even if that's what you created for." He said with narrowed eyes. This caused Betty to laugh a little. "Now, whoever said I was the one doing the killing?" Betty asked and snapped her fingers. The group heard growling and slowly turned to see Banner holding his head. He looked up at the group with glowing pink eyes as Fury tried to get away.

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