Patience takes a trip in time

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The picture above is just what Seraphim Sans looks like in case you've never seen him. Just saying but, it took me three years of loving the undertale fandom until I saw Seraphim Sans pop into a random holiday comic involving the Sans Au's as well as the Papyrus ones.

Betty scowled at the mega powered Sans that was growling quietly. Betty seemed to try and act like she wasn't afraid, but then her face lit up in confusion. But then that confusion turned into a creepy smile, one that didn't seem to affect Sans much as Betty laughed for a moment and put her hand on her forehead. "There is so much magic here!" Betty said before taking a deep breath and looking at Sans again. "You really think my magic works on fear?!" Betty said, her form glitching as well and a bright aqua lasso in one hand while the other had a shield, this caused Chara to gasp as Sans stood his ground, still not giving an answer. "What is it kid?" Clint asked Chara, her form suddenly fizzled in patience again. "Patience? What's going on?" Clint asked, but Patience remained quiet, then an idea came upon her mind and she dashed to the middle of Betty and Sans, not caring about the Avengers pleas to come back.

"WAIT!" Patience yelled, surprising both Sans and Betty. Patience looked at Betty with a sad smile on her face. "Bette Noire, surely you weren't always like this?" Patience asked, Betty glared at Patience and gripped the lasso in hand. "You don't know anything about me!" Betty yelled, a roar followed not too far. "I know that you always weren't a spell." Patience said, this caused Betty to gasp quietly and step back. "You were once human, but one of the people who cared for you didn't want peace with monsters, didn't She?" Patience asked, Betty looked slightly afraid as the memory flashed in her mind. "The two people who took care of you had the human souls of bravery and Determination." "Stop it." Betty said quietly as Patience began to walk closer.

"The one with bravery thought that monster didn't deserve to be free, right? While determination did." Patience asked, Fury looked at Betty and started thinking that if Betty's soul was fear, why does she have Patience and kindness soul weapons. Sans growled at Patience, slowly thinking that something bad was going to happen to his small friend. "M-maybe they did." Betty said and gripped the shield, her form fizzling to what she looked like before she became the human soul of fear. Her skirt was more ripped, blood dripping gown from her forehead, her face stained with blood and tears. "They dueled to see who won, and determination won, didn't they?" Patience asked, Betty looked down at herself and saw the blood on the floor, but then she began to fizzle again. "Bravery found a spell and used it on herself and you, didn't she?" Patience asked, Betty closed her eyes as the avengers watched, Seraphim Sans glaring at the small fear child. "Which proves her point as to why monsters shouldn't be free." Betty said and glared at Patience, back into her pink and purple form. Then she smiled her creepy smile and whipped the rope around Patience, causing Seraphim Sans to roar in warning. "You really shouldn't try talking me out of something I was born to do. And anyways..." Betty said and yanked Patience closer, a few feet in between them. "I've been dead inside for centuries." Betty said and tried throwing Patience into an engine.

"NO!" Seraphim Sans yelled and teleported to Patience, a yellow pistol formed in the air and shot the lasso. Once the lasso was severed between the two, Sans used a kindness shield to form around Patience and shot the ball to the avengers to catch. Using his wings, he hovered above the engine and glared once again at Betty. "It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?" Betty asked with a sly grin on her face as She smashed the remaining lasso and shield together. They became a soul that was a green and blue color but then she whipped off a tear of hate from her face and dropped it on the soul shaped weapon. "Too bad I don't hear any birds singing or see any flowers blooming." She said as the soul turned pink and began scythe again. This caused Seraphim Sans to chuckle.

"True, but you know what I see?" Seraphim asked Betty as he hovered closer to the ground as Patience went back to Chara who looked like she was going to vomit. Betty turned her head in curiosity as Sans closed his sockets for a moment. "I see a kid..." Sans said and opened his sockets to show them a glowing rainbow and seven different weapons appeared in the air next to him. "A kid who is going to burn in HELL!" Sans yelled and unleashed the fury of all the weapons. "Holy SHOT." Clint said as Justice's Pistol fired away at Betty, Patience's lasso tried to trip Betty as she maneuvered the bullets and integrity saws. Kindness shield tried acting as a barrier to try and stop Betty from attacking Sans. Perseverance spikes sprouted out of the ground that was followed with blue bone and normal bone attacks to try and impale Betty or used as projectiles. Bravery bullets also appeared around Betty and erupted out of nowhere whenever Sans got the chance. Betty kept getting hit and she finally roared, using her scythe to cause a massive shock wave as hate came sprouting out her eyes in mouth, corrupting her even more so as she took a moment to try and regenerate. She took deep breaths and allowed herself to stand, only to get shot in the face from Tony's repulser. She slowly moved her face to see the derp look on Tony's face once he realized he was outta his league. Thor threw Mjollnir at Betty who tried to grab it only to be dragged to Sans as a distraction.

"Ugh, I'm gonna need a nap after this." Papyrus grumbled, Chara looked at Papyrus like he was an alien, Papyrus looked at Chara and was confused. "What?" He said, Chara looked at Fury with a derp look on her face. Fury looked back at her with confusion as well. "You broke Papyrus." She stated.

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