An unfinished Sketch

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"What's happening?!" Flowey yelled as Fresh suddenly stopped glitching and seemed to be monochrome colors and Error as a classic looking sans. Error looked at his hands and at Fresh and started to freak out. "We gotta hurry!" Error yelled as he ran to the exit, his voice not sounding glitchy as Fresh stood there, motionless. Steve walked over to Fresh with fear. Error noticed Steve was trying to put his hand on Fresh and gasped. "NO DON'T!" He yelled and used himself to ram into Steve to stop him. And just like that, Error began to try and reboot. Natasha looked over at Fresh who was slowly standing up straight. His glasses were blank and he wasn't smiling anymore. He looked over at Error to see Steve was on his knees and Errors eyes sockets went black.

"S#&*, he's rebooting again." Fresh said, this caught everyone by surprise as Fresh just shrugged his shoulders and turned to the elevator. "Welp, that's that I guess." Fresh said and walked towards the elevator. Undyne looked over at Error and Fresh and growled. "If Sans is connected to those two..." Undyne trailed off as she bawled her hands which began to glow this bright blue aura. A blue spark appearing on her eye patch. Every monster and human looked at her with fear, even Fresh stopped to turn and look at her. "That means Sans is in trouble." Undyne said as she closed her eyes and a faint red heart appeared on her chest. "AND I , UNDYNE THE UNDYING, WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!" Undyne yelled and a giant force of bright blue surrounded her as her eyes became black. When the aura disappeared, Undyne's form had changed to black armor, a blue arrow flicking on and off appeared on her eye patch and a giant red heart on her chest plate.

Papyrus began to ecstatic as Toriel walked over to Undyne. Undyne looked over to Toriel who smiled and a circle of fire engulfed Toriel. When the fire was gone. Toriel was wearing armor under a purple cloak with the royal family crest on the back of the cloak. Toriel wore a bright golden crown atop of her head. Undyne looked over to Papyrus with a giant smirk plastered on her face. "Hey punk." Undyne said and tossed something to Papyrus. He caught it and looked to see it was a medal for the royal guard. Tears of bright orange began to come out of his eye sockets. "Sans is your brother too." Toriel said, Mettaton smirked with a hand on his hip. "Mettaton, I want you and Papyrus to lead the monster children to the loading ships and get them far away from here. If the Avengers wish, they can either help you two or help us fight the monstrosity outside." Toriel said as she pointed to the ceiling, a giant crash was heard and Fresh and Error began to glitch lightly again. "Seems like a plan, but what about the other monsters?" Fury asked, she turned to see Chara who noticed that half of the monsters that were adults or teens had attacks in hand, ready for war. Chara smiled at them all as Flowey just stayed inside the bag.

"The surface is our home too." An adult monster said, Fresh looked over at them in confusion. "Freedom and family is something worth fighting for." They said, Fresh looked at the ground and Thor noticed. Error finally stopped rebooting and groaned as he sat up, rubbing his skull. "Just a heads up, Fresh and I are in our bodies from the past. So don't touch him. Or me for that matter." Error said as he stood. He snapped his fingers but nothing happened. This caused Error to sigh and looked at them all. "We need to hurry, Ink can't hold back Betty for much longer now." Error said, suddenly, a giant crash was heard at the elevator. Chara, Error and Fresh hurried over to find Ink, but he had a giant pink spear going through his chest and his sockets were black. Black ink was all over him, signalling he was done fighting.

"Ink?!" The avengers cried as Ink began to glitch as well. But when he was done, all that was left was a piece of paper with a sketch of a skeleton. Error grabbed the paper, lifted it off the spike and looked at the picture. Error then started to glitch again, causing Fresh and Chara to back away. When the glitch disappeared, Error was back to his normal looking self and glared at the giant hole that Ink came out of. "Error?" Fresh asked in fear, Error let the paper fall and a gaster blaster that was black and glitching like crazy appeared next to Error. "Please don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do." Fresh said as he picked up the paper. The avengers then heard laughing from Error as he got on top of the blaster. "That brat had to make it personal." Error said and zoomed off into the sky. Fresh looked down at the paper and his sockets widened. The Avengers looked over and saw it was a halfway done sketch of InkSans!. It even had Ink's name on it. A bright yellow portal opened next to Fresh, causing all but Fresh to seem fazed as two skeletons came out. The bright yellow one had a bandage over one eye with a bow and arrow in hand while the other was a skeleton with bright blue armor and attacks in hand.

"What's Dream and Blue doing here?" Chara asked, Dream lowered his bow and looked around. He groaned as he put his hand on the bandage. "You alright Dream?" Chara asked as Blue looked down at his friend in fear. "Where's Ink?" Blue asked, Chara then looked at Fresh who was holding the paper to reveal it was Ink again. Dream and Blue saw this and looked like they were about to snap. Blue looked at Chara as his pupils became red. "Knife please." He said with a smile. Dream balled his hands and black with gold tentacles sprouted out of his back and he used them to climb out of the hole. Blue got a random knife and jumped out of the hole. Everyone followed and saw Error opening a giant portal.

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