Tony helps Chara

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Warning!: I'm not to experienced in other au's because there are things in the original au and timeline that I'm trying to figure out. So I didn't do a lot of research on the timeline of Sans that is about to come up in this chapter but enough to know the basics of him.

Also to those who keep correcting me about the blood thing in the first or second chapter saying that it was bone marrow.................. IT IS BLOOD! Ya'll can get mad at me as much as you want but that does't change the fact that I want it to be blood that came out of Sans skull. I know that it should be bone marrow but I don't regret making it blood, so please just accept that if you haven't!

Sorry..... It just annoys me when someone tells me how to fix something when I think it shouldn't be fixed and that it's perfectly fine. Camilla did the same thing with Glitchtale and I saw no one yelling at her for her decision. Sure she actually told the viewers why but dang! Sorry about that temper tantrum, please enjoy the chapter I've made and I hoped the thing above doesn't make it seem I'm a bad person, I just felt like something had to be said.

Chara yelped as she dodged some debris which caused her to land on the ground. Chara groaned as she tried to stand up and heard screaming. Chara gasped when she saw it was a small wolf monster stuffed under a crate that was stuck under several shards of metal holding the crate down. "I'm coming!" Chara yelled and tried to stand, but the smoke from the broken engine was getting to her and noticed that she was separated from Asgore, Alphys and Flowey who were helping her get the remaining monster who couldn't get off the ship onto carriers. "Chara my child?!" Chara heard her father roar in fear, Chara found a hole in the debris wall to see Asgore looking around as Flowey and Alphys ushered many weak monsters onto the carriers. "I'm okay dad! Just help the other monsters who aren't stuck back here with me! I'll try to get any monsters who were trapped free!" Chara yelled at the top of her lungs, she heard her father nervously agree and went to help the nerdy Dino and flower. Chara looked around and grabbed a metal bar from nearby. She grunted in effort as she hurried to the little monster and then stabbed the bar into a space by the little wolf. "One the count of three, I'm gonna try to push up the crate and you'll try your best to push out, okay?" Chara said, the smoke getting closer.

"O-okay." Said the little wolf and they looked ahead to get themselves ready. Chara then began to count as she set herself in a strong position before grunting with more effort and trying to push up the crate. But then something came loose in the debris above that caused it to fall. Chara gasped and jumped on top of the wolf as it screamed in fear. But something propelled itself into the hidden space and stopped the debris from falling, Chara heard grunts and looked over and smiled. "Jarvis, can the suit hold this debree long enough for us to get the mouse outta here?" Tony asked his A.I. Chara quickly hurried back to the bar and tried to push up the debris and the wolf struggled to get out as Jarvis thought for a moment. "Yes sir." Jarvis replied, allowing Tony to step out of his suit and quickly rush over to Chara, the suit still standing. "But I recommend you hurry, it seems the remaining avengers are losing to the Bette Noire. Even with the extended help of the skeletons." Jarvis informed Tony as he helped push the bar down, allowing the wolf to scurry out. Tony hurried back to his suit and looked around.

"To my 6!" Tony yelled and a tiny rocket emerged from his suit and hit a part of the wall as Chara used her body to shield the wolf monster. Tony then hurried and grabbed both the wolf monster and Chara shot propelled himself and them out of the pile. Tony then bumped into something and groaned as he laid onto the ground and looked down at the two. "Oh god, thank you!" Chara yelled and hugged Tony's arm. The little wolf monster ran to Asgore out of fear as Tony stood up and held the arm that Chara out in confusion. "What, are you doing?" Tony asked, Chara opened her eyes and looked at Tony to show them now green. Chara raised a brow at Tony while smiling still. "Uh, thanking you?" Chara said, her form glitching a little in the human soul of kindness look. "A little heads up, you'll want your team to clear of Betty." They said and let go of Tony and landed on their own two feet. "What? Why?" Tony asked and kneeled down next kindness who smiled at Tony.

"Because Seraphim sans is about to appear. He's absorbed all of our souls, including Chara and Frisk." Kindness said and shivered a bit with fear. "And let me tell you, he is not happy right now." Kindness said, Tony was about to press on for more answers, but was interrupted by a roar. Silence was the only thing to be heard as the helicarrier was surrounded by a giant green shield and the extra monsters had been teleported away somehow. Tony picked up Kindness, and flew into the air and found the rest of the avengers, Papyrus, the bad guys, Blueberry and Shattered on the helicarrier. "Hey guys, what I miss?" Tony asked and noticed the empty eye sockets among the different versions of the same skeleton and Papyrus with his jaw to the ground. Tony set down Kindness when they started glitching back to Chara and noticed Clint pointing at something. Tony looked over and thought he was dreaming and had to take off his helmet to make sure.

In front of them was Seraphim/omega Sans with him facing Betty as his multi colored cape flowed with the wind. And boy, did he look p%#$&^.

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