We hope you rest in peace

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HOLY FRICK! THIS IS THE 40TH CHAPTER! This has gotta be the longest book I've ever written. But let's not prolong the reason why your here, onto the story.

Chara made a knife appear in her hand and sliced and dashed as quiet as she could through the debris as Sans used his fast and effective attacks on Betty. The Sans au's were walking along but quietly and still the blank and emotionless look on their faces. Even Horror wasn't doing his usual creepy face as Error held the picture that was left behind when Ink disappeared. Tony grumbled in annoyance as he walked in his suit, it was already heavy enough but it was worse when walking. Papyrus was also walking but kept quiet. "We know your annoyed Tony. I should be the one ditching you of all people." Chara growled back before slicing easily through something. Tony raised a brow until Chara looked at him and pointed at her chest to show a giant stitch on her sweater. Then the memory of when he saw a beam from his repulser right through Chara's chest came to mind. Bruce was just thankful the group were going behind the debris of the somewhat destroyed ship, this allowed them to be able to hide from Betty.

"I guess trusting the monsters isn't such a bad idea, huh Fury?" Nat taunted Nick, who just grumbled back in reply and grabbed his gun and looked at Nat. Everyone stopped for a moment, even the Sans Au's stopped after Thor stopped them with his hand. His hammer was probably somewhere on the battlefield. "I can still shoot you." Fury threatened as he aimed his gun, which then suddenly had a red ruby knife thrown at it. Everyone looked at an annoyed Chara. "The heck was that for?!" He whispered and yelled at her. Chara sighed and snapped her fingers, Nat's soul appeared but the bottom part had a dark red glow. "Me and the avengers are connected, you shot me, you hurt my Sans back there." Chara said as she pointed her thumb to behind her, a giant crash followed shortly after. "And last I check, he's so far the only thing that's keeping Betty from making the au a more living HECK than it already is." Chara said and grabbed the knife out of Fury's gun. "I'm not ready to leave this world just yet." Chara said, the avengers looked at her in confusion as they began to walk again.

"What do you mean by that?" Bruce asked as he jumped over stuff, careful to not let his bare arms get cut. Since he turned into the hulk moments ago, he destroyed the shirt he was wearing. No one had a back up and the au's couldn't make one because they were still in a dazed state. "Back in hot-land, Tony's blast sure did kill me, but even Gaster's healing can't keep me up for long." Chara said and pushed a loose piece of rubble and hammered some away for the others to get through. "Sans is using up the last of my magic, once he lets all the human souls free, they'll go back to their living bodies." Chara said as she climbed over some debris. Thor looked at Chara in confusion. "But those human souls as you call them, don't have mortal bodies. They are spirits, as are you. Meaning you all will go into the afterlife with many of the great champions of earth and Asgard." Thor said, Chara stopped for a moment before sighing and looking at the sadden or slight fear stricken faces of the Avengers as the San au's didn't say or react anything.

"Yup, but it doesn't matter." Chara said and gripped her knife as she looked at the wall of broken metal. "I've been stuck doing runs of genocide, neutral and pacifist routes longer than anyone can think. I'm tired of being the narrator for Frisk and all the other monsters." Chara said as the knife glowed bright red and destroyed the wall with just a poke. Chara turned back to the others and gestured them to continue on into the tunnel. Right as they were about to see if any transports were remaining, a giant gun was launched in front of them. This caused them all to halt and looked at the source. They saw the blood coming out of thin scratches of his arms, wings, legs and face. His glare was shown that he was tired as he looked at Betty who also seemed tired. For once, Betty seemed to be matched with some as equal power as she had. Betty looked at herself and then growled in response as she stood her ground. Sans was about to jump an attack but looked over at his other versions of himself. A gurgling sound came out of Sans mouth, causing the avengers, Fury and Chara to be slightly confused.

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