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Sans sighed as he got out of his bed and walked to a wall with a poster on it. He looked at the door before lifting up the poster and to reveal markings on the wall. He held up his hand and a sharp bone attack appeared next to him. He grabbed it and carved a line into the wall. He sighed and grabbed his slippers and hoodie before walking out of his room.

Nat then crawled through the window silently and walked to the poster and lifted it up to see several markings. She took a picture of it before looking around the room to see a small tornado that was making paper balls and socks float around it. She looked around again to find a treadmill and a giant pile of socks.

"Not much of a cleaner, are we?" She asked, she then went to the bed and lifted up the mattress in an attempt to find something. She found a piece of paper and grabbed it. She lifted it up to see it was a drawing of three stick figures. One was drawn in orange, the shorter one was drawn in blue but the tallest one was drawn in black with black dots on its hands.

She looked at the bottom to see a font of some kind. But the odd thing was that the tallest figure had it's head burnt off. "I'll have to send this to Banner to see if he knows what it means." She said and took another picture before setting it back under the mattress. She then looked under the bed and pulled out a book. She opened it again and found it in the same font.

"You monsters sure are good at keeping secrets." She said as she flipped through the book until she found the English parts of it. Then she took a couple of pictures of that and set it back under the bed. She went through the drawers of his dresser and found nothing interesting or odd other than a white lab coat.

"A fighter, a lair and a scientist? What are you hiding." She said and set the coat back into the draws again before heading out of the window again to see the sun was rising. She jumped down from the window and started walking around. Not much was new from when she first visited. She learned that Toriel was trying to teach monster children the basics of things like math or literature.

She learned that each of the monsters had a job. Undyne taught some monsters self defense with Papyrus who also taught them to be kind to humans. She learned some things that somewhat amazed her. It had been a half a day and she learned nothing that would prove they were bad.

"If their all wanting peace, why did Sans attack us?" She asked, Nat heard someone clear their throats, she looked behind her and saw Asgore holding a daisy of some sort while walking over to Toriel. She followed him. "Toriel?" He asked, she turned to him and sighed but then looked back at the children.

"It's time for recess." She told them and they ran off to the home made play set. She turned back to him with a smile, which then turned into a glare. "What do you want." She asked as she folded her arms. "I uh, wants to know if maybe you were fr-"

"No." She interrupted him, Nat smirked as she saw this. "I will never go on a date with you after what you did." She said, Nat looked at Toriel in confusion. "But I've changed! I haven't done anything to Frisk!" He pleaded, Nat turned on her recorder.

"And I'm glad, but you didn't give MERCY to the other humans that had fallen." She said with a growl. "If you hadn't killed them, then we would've been free before then!" She said, He glared at the ground.

"What about Chara and Asriel?" He asked, Toriel froze and Nat looked at Asgore. If this wasn't a serious situation, Nat would probably be thinking about wanting popcorn. "The humans didn't spare them! I just wanted to make it even!" He said, she looked away. "You also know that the only way of getting out of the underground was to collect seven human souls! I was thinking about my people!" He said, Toriel started crying.

"That doesn't make it right." She said, he gripped the flowers. "And running away into the ruins with Chara's body is?" He asked, Nat covered her mouth to stop her from gasping. "Death happens everyday. It's better to blame yourself, then someone else." She said, he scoffed.

"That's rich coming from you." He said, she turned away and wiped her tears before walking off. "Good day." She said silently, he sighed before dropping the flowers and walking off into the opposite direction. Nat then heard a sigh and looked down to see Flowey.

"I'm still here." He said and then went into the ground, causing Nat to turn off the recorder and look ahead. It had overall been a boring day. Not much was new. Sans would go after lunch for shopping with Frisk and Flowey and then come back around sunset. Nat was about to walk off until she heard something.

"Chara said Nat was lying." Frisk said, Nat turned to see Frisk talking to Sans. "They told me they went after her and saw her talking to a weird guy with an eye patch." Nat's eyes widened.

But Chara's dead! She thought as she rubbed her forehead.

"You sure?" He asked, Frisk nodded. This caused Sans to sigh, Nat then started to freak out and ran back to the tall wood fence. "Okay, we'll wait for a few more days and see what happens. Can you tell the others, they won't believe me after my incident." He said, Frisk nodded and ran off.

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