Nat meets Frisk

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"Come on bro." Sans complained, it was the next morning and after Frisk had explained who the heck the avengers were, Sans was in deep trouble. He was sitting on a log with Papyrus and Undyne standing in front of him. Papyrus had his hands on his hips with a glare while Undyne looked concerned with her arms folded across her chest.

"No buts! You attacked earth's mightiest heroes, you're still weak and you expect I, the great Papyrus to let you waltz back into that town?!" Papyrus yelled as he pointed at the town. Sans looked at the ground with his sockets black.

"Pap, maybe lay off a bit." Undyne said as she looked at him. "Those guys wanted Sans to come with them. Sans was just protecting himself. I know I would do the same thing." Undyne said as she gestured to Sans who didn't move.

"I know that, but he could've teleported away! Or ran away!" Papyrus yelled as he faced Undyne, which spooked her. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Sorry Undyne." Pap said and looked at his brother. "I'm sorry Sans. I'm just worried, what if they think we monsters are mean and try to kick us out? We won't have any other place to go but the underground."

"I know, I just underestimated them." Sans said he looked up at the two. "But I'm the errand guy. I'm the only one who knows where everything is. It's not like I can bring someone so they can take my job." Sans said, then Papyrus had an idea. "Bro?"

"What if you take human Frisk? They've lived here their whole lives! Surely they can come with you." Papyrus said, Sans frowned which was a first. "I'm not letting them get hurt just because of that group of weirdos." Sans said, Papyrus folded his arms.

"As your brother, you either go with human frisk, or not at all!" Papyrus yelled, Sans sighed and started to wonder what Frisk was doing at the moment. They, of course, were in the candy store, admiring the jars filled with jelly beans with delight.

"Seriously? The comedian gets hurt and all you can think about is candy?" Someone, that only Frisk could hear, said. Frisk groaned as she turned their head to see the famous demon child, Chara.

"Says the one who was obsessed with Chocolate." Frisk said, Chara sighed and leaned back as they hovered. "Kid." The man at the cashier said this caused Frisk to look at them. "you know the rules, if you ain't buying something, leave." "S-sorry sir. I just can't decide." Frisk said in nervousness. They, however, didn't see someone walking by the store.

"Maybe because you don't have any money." He said, the person stopped and spotted Frisk. "Why don't you go where you belong, with them monsters? That's where you'll ever belong." He said with a frown. Frisk looked at the ground, trying not to let the built up tears fall as Chara tried to hug them. Sure, Chara didn't have a soul, but they had emotions.

"Now, that's not nice." A woman said, they all looked up to see a red headed woman with a leather jacket one, under was a grey t-shirt on top of blue ripped jeans and a black beanie, standing in the doorway.

"You should be agreeing with me, it's because of this brat the avengers came down here." The man said, Frisk looked away and rubbed their arm. The red head saw this and frowned before looking back at the cashier. Who was shaking his head at Frisk. The redhead walked over to Frisk and kneeled down to their level.

"Hey." She said, Frisk and Chara looked at her green eyes. "How about this, I can buy you some candy and you can help me with something."

"Bad idea, Frisk. Even if she seems nice, she could be evil." Chara said, Frisk backed away a bit. "S-sorry. I don't trust strangers." Frisk said, the red head woman smiled at Frisk. "Understandable. But if I told you my name, would you trust me a bit more?" The woman asked, Frisk hummed in thought before looking at the woman and smiling. "Great, I'm Rachel. But my friends call me Nat." Rachel said and held out her hand.

"I'm Frisk, I don't really have any human friends." Frisk said, Chara coughed. "You're a demon." They whispered, quiet enough for Nat to not hear. "Did you say something?" Nat asked, Frisk grew nervous. "Uh, I said, you don't have to buy me candy. But why do you need my help?" Frisk asked, Nat smiled.

"I'm trying to do some research on monsters, I was hoping you could tell me where they are?" Nat asked, the cashier coughed. Nat glared at him and stood up before looking at Frisk. "Come on, I know a good spot where we can go talk. It's a park down the street." Nat said and walked to the door and opened it for Frisk.

"Okay, I can tell you all I can." Frisk said and walked out the door. The two were silent as they walked, until Frisk's phone went off. "Who's that?" Nat asked as Frisk grabbed their phone. "It's my friend. He's a bit loud and it sorta hurts to hear him without a speaker. You don't mind?" Frisk asked, Nat smirked.

"Trust me, back at my home, my family is all sorts of loud. Go ahead." Nat said, Frisk smiled and flipped open their phone while Chara glared at Nat. "Hi Papyrus, you're on speaker." Frisk said.

"Hello human Frisk!" Papyrus' voice rang through the phone. "I have a request! Since the great Papyrus brother was attacked yesterday, I request you accompany Sans on his errands! He still isn't full health. Or fully 1 yet in his case." Papyrus said, Nat raised her brow.

"O-okay, do you mind if I bring a friend? She's friendly!" Frisk said. "Were cool with that punk! Just get here before Sans falls asleep again!" Undyne's voice rang through the phone. Frisk looked up at Nat with joy who smiled in return.

"Okay, be there soon!" Frisk said and hung up the phone. "You're cool with that, right?" Frisk asked. "Not a problem. Who was that anyways?" Nat asked as she followed Frisk down the street to the fight scene from before.

"Well, the one who called first was Papyrus. He's a skeleton who wanted to be in the royal guard. He tries so hard. But now that the barrier is broken, there's no need for the royal guard. Undyne quit too. She's the one who called me a punk! She used to be the captain of the royal guard and is a fish monster! But she's so cool!" Frisk said with joy. Nat couldn't help but chuckle.

"They sound really cool. But who is Sans? Am I saying that right?" Nat asked Frisk. "He's Papyrus' brother. He's a lazy but wicked strong skeleton! But he only attacks when monsterkind is threatened." frisk said with a smile, that soon turned into a frown and they stopped. "Frisk? What's wrong?" Nat asked as she stopped by Frisk, who sighed.

"Human kind thinks monsters are so bad. Just because they are stronger than humans. I just wish there would be peace. all monsters want to do is live a peaceful life." Frisk said and looked at the sky. "They didn't even get to see the sky, all they had for a sky was a stone ceiling." Frisk said, Nat looked at Frisk sadly.

"I hate to be a bother," Frisk looked at Nat. "But what exactly did the monsters need in order to break this barrier?" Nat asked. "Where did you get that idea?" Frisk asked, Chara folded her arms. "I read it in a book." Nat said, which basically was true, even though it was Bruce who really did the reading. "Okay, we should be reaching the trail soon." Frisk said and grabbed Nat's hand and started dragging her down the street.

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