It was at moment he realized, he f*@&$? up

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Back the avengers, you're probably wondering what they were doing. Thor was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed as he glared his eyes at someone. In front of him, was the human soul of Justice and he was doing the same thing to Thor. "Just give up!" Justice yelled, Thor smirked. "I will stand my ground until my hammer breaks." Thor said, they kept on glaring at each other as Perseverance suddenly appeared with their book in hand. He looked up and smacked his forehead. "What, are you doing?" Perseverance asked them.

"Staring contest, now shut up. I need to prove that the god of thunder is breakable." Justice yelled, Thor smirked at Justice. Suddenly, Kindness appeared next to Perseverance. Kindness blinked at Thor and Justice and then looked at Perseverance. "Staring contest." Perseverance said, Kindness sighed and looked at the two on the ground. "How long do you think it'll take for Thor to realize Justice is blind?" Kindness asked, Thor straightened and looked at them. "He's what?" Thor asked, Justice yelled in victory as Thor realized what he just did.

"You looked away! I win!" Justice said and did a victory dance, Thor sighed and looked at Justice as he stood up. "Now for my reward~" He sang and held out his hand, Thor smirked and held up his hammer and let Justice grab it. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something." Thor said and let go of the hammer, causing Justice to slam down to the ground. "Only I am worthy of holding Mjolnir." He said, Kindness and Perseverance laughed as Justice grumbled. Thor stood in triumph as Justice kept on trying to pull up the hammer. While with Steve and Clint, Bravery and Patience were there.

"So you're saying that nothing can break your shield?" Bravery asked Steve, he nodded. Bravery looked at the shield and punched it as hard as she could, only for her to shake. "Woah..." Bravery said and opened and closed her hands before looking at Steve. "I want it for my punching bag." She said with stars in her eyes, Steve smiled nervously. Patience was standing next to Clint as he aimed an arrow into the empty hallway. Clint shot the arrow and waited for the noise to signal him that it hit something. "I'm gonna guess you have some family?" She asked, Clint looked at her, she looked at him with a blank expression. Clint looked behind himself and saw Steve holding up his shield for Bravery to punch.

"Maybe I do, why does it concern you?" He asked her, she smirked. "The way you were holding your bow, the small bags under your eyes and how you ball your hands anytime someone is talking to you signals your stress." Patience said, Clint looked down at his hands and saw they were bald. "Everyone's stressed, what does that have to do with me having a family?" He asked her, Patience looked at him. "The bags under your eyes tell me that you don't get much sleep, probably staying up worrying about something. The way you gripped the bow means you're overworking yourself, probably thinking about what might happen if you're not strong enough." She said and looked at him. "I might look dumb for my age compared to you, but I've spent a lot of time watching a man who was full of dread." She said. "So what? You think I'm the spy?" He asked, clearly annoyed, Patience blinked and smirked.

"Nope." She said and looked at the hall ahead of them. "When you saw that tape of Sans and Papyrus in a bar, you seemed to relate. That's how I could tell you turned." She said and looked at Clint. "That's also how I figured out you have a family." Patience said, he blinked at her. "You know, for a human kid, you sure a pain in the butt." He said, she raised a brow. "What? I'm not human." She said Clint was confused. "I'm dead, I just have enough magic to manifest my body." Patience said, Clint looked at her in shock. "Asgore may have killed me, but even he had a family." She said. "What do you mean?" He asked, Patience sighed. She told him about the Dreamurr family and how much Asgore didn't want to kill the souls out of revenge. "Then why did he kill you?" He asked, Patience then explained there was an AU where it was humans who were locked up and not monsters.

"So even though monsters seem evil and untrustworthy, try to think about who they are to eac-" Patience suddenly stopped, Bravery did the same and froze. The souls looked at each other in fear. "What? What is it?" Steve asked, Bravery then glared at Patience. "I told you the tin man wasn't to be trusted!" She yelled at Patience. "Tony?" Clint asked, the souls looked at him, Patience showing sadness and Bravery anger. "What about him?"

"Chara, they're in trouble." Patience said and grabbed Steve and Clint arm to suddenly teleport somewhere. They heard crying and looked up to see Thor with Kindness, Perseverance and Justice. Nat and Banner were holding the hands of integrity. "C-chara?" Kindness asked with a horrified look on his face, the avenger looked and saw Tony with his repulser cooling down a little as the one and only Chara standing, with their arms outstretched, standing in front of a crying Frisk who was on the ground. "CHARA!" Justice yelled as Chara fell to the ground with wide eyes and a hole going through their chest. The souls hurried to Chara's side in an attempt of trying to help them.

"What the f*#? Tony?!" Nat yelled, Tony narrowed his eyes at her. "I was aiming for Frisk because it turns out they've been lying to us. They've been trying to contact the monsters on the helicarrier." He said, Nat was about to lunge in for the attack but something held her back. "Tsk, Tsk." Someone's voice said, Tony looked around and suddenly a familiar skeleton hand formed around Tony's neck and slammed him into the wall. "I really thought UT gaster would have a better grip on you." Gaster said as he suddenly appeared, but he looked like he had a creepy blank expression. He had bags under his eyes and wore a black trench coat with black suit pants and a tan sweater.

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