In the end

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Everyone looked at Fury as green magic slowly came out of his hands. Red also slowly after as it went to Sans soul and slowly tried to piece it together.


Everyone kept quiet as Sans was still dusting but his HP slowly rising. Papyrus looked at Fury with shock as he let go of his brother. The shield around the hellicarrier slowly flickered away as it went towards Fury, allowing him to use the magic to heal Sans.


Fury lowered his hand and looked at the giant pile of dust. It was soon blown away by the wind and revealed classic Sans in the dead center with seven human souls resting upon him. The bright red soul hovered away from Sans and slowly became frisk. But because they were short, they were falling and landed with a thunk as Papyrus looked at the body of the remains of Sans. Without even a second thought he propelled to Sans. "SANS!" He yelled, Sans groaned quietly as he sat up and tried to rub his skull, only to be tackled. "I'M SO GLAD YOU DIDN'T DUST AWAY!" Papyrus said with tears pouring out of his sockets, Sans smirked a lazy smirk and hugged Papyrus back, not wanting anything to ruin this moment. Frisk steadied themselves as they seemed to look around, then gasping as the human souls hovered over to Chara.

"It's time to go Chara." Perseverance said as a purple glow emitted from their soul, showing they were talking. Chara sighed and looked at the sad group. "We know you don't wish you leave but you time has come." Patience said as the teal glow softly appeared and disappeared. Papyrus picked up his brother and put Sans on his back as he walked over to Chara so they too could join this moment. Chara looked at the ground in doubt, until they all heard someone struggling. They all looked at the source to see that little monster wolf kid that Chara saved before, white magic glowing at their fingertips as they tried to make something. "Is it true you don't want to leave?" The little wolf asked, Chara looked at the avengers, skeleton brothers, the au of sans, Frisk and Fury. This caused Chara to sigh a little, but she was already fading away as she turned back to the little monster.

"Yeah, but unless you have another human soul on you, I'm going away." Chara stated, the little monster looked at their hands. The wolf closed their hands together and when opened them, revealed two souls, one a plain white human soul and the other a common monster soul. "Here you go, I've been practicing since we've been locked up in this place." The little wolf said with joy on their face as they offered the human soul to Chara. Chara looked at the offered soul in disbelief. Chara looked at the group of heroes behind her and saw them all nodding. Chara looked back at the soul and carefully grabbed it and allowed it to hover in her hands before pushing it to her chest. The bright glow appeared and disappeared as quickly as it came and Chara looked to see they weren't very different. "Wow." Chara said as she stood up and looked at herself, suddenly a flower crown appeared on top of her head as the little wolf snapped her fingers, the goat adults and Flowey suddenly on the helicarrier. "What in the wor-'' Before Asgore could finish, he and Toriel caught sight of Chara who smirked. "Chara?"

"So funny story." Chara said with a smile on her face. "I'm staying for good this time!" Char announced and jumped to the goat parents. Both crying tears of joy. Flowey rolled his eyes but Steve noticed the hurt in his eyes as the little wolf monster walked to Flowey with the monster soul in hand. "Excuse me, Mr Flower?" The little wolf said, Flowey looked over as the Dreamurr family stopped their celebration. "I can tell you weren't born a flower." The wolf said as they crouched down to Flowey's level with a smile on their face as Flowey just looked confused. "So I made you a soul! So you could join your family again!" The wolf said in joy, Flowey looked at the soul in surprise. Toriel and Asgore were surprised at Chara and Frisk's reaction. "WE CAN BE SWEATER BUDDIES!" Frisk said with joy, Flowey rolled his eyes at the two twin looking children. Flowey then carefully looked at the soul and bit his lip. He raised a vine to grab the soul and brought it closer to him, almost afraid the soul wouldn't come to him. But when he pushed it to his stem, a bright glow appeared. The human souls were also still there and decided to help Flowey a bit.

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