Everything stays

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At this point, even Fresh was losing hope on the monsters actually helping the Avengers and Fury at this point. Error just sighed and looked at the Avengers and Fury with a sigh. "Sorry guys, but even Mr. colors back here doesn't think they'll help." Error said and pointed to Fresh with his thumb. Fury looked at the monsters and balled his hands and took a step forward. Error froze for a moment and looked into the hall. "Fresh, did you..." "Yeah, I felt that brah." Fresh said, Fury was confused as much as the Avengers until a portal opened in the hallway, silencing everyone. The Avengers, Papyrus, Mettaton, Fury, Fresh and Error got their attacks or weapons in hand as the portal glowed a bit. But a blur of green came out of the portal and landed on the ground.

"What the heck?" Steve said as the blur slowed down and the portal closed entirely. The blur groaned as they put one hand on the ground and tried to stand. "Whoa, whoa. Easy now." The figure said as they stood, once they stopped looking like a blur and balanced themselves, their face revealed to be Chara, from undertale, with a bag around their shoulders. "Chara? What are you doing here?" Nat asked, the monsters peeked out of their cell at the mention of the demon child's name. Chara opened their mouth to speak, but something interrupted them. "Oh yeah, just completely forget about me." Someone said from inside the bag Chara held, the group looked at the bag and saw a little buttercup pop out of the bag with a familiar face. Once the flower looked up, Papyrus gasped with glee and tossed away the attacks he had in hand.

"It is so good to see you again my Flower friend!" Papyrus said, Flowey groaned and smacked his forehead. "You're not here to absorb everyone's souls again right?" Pap asked with a bit of nervousness in his tone. "HE DID WHAT?!" Mettaton yelled in anger, he then grabbed Papyrus and held him far away from Flowey with an angered look. "If you want to get to my innocent child, you best go through me darling." Mettaton said, Chara groaned and took off the bag. "Just hold the Crybaby already!" They yelled and threw the bag to Fury, Flowey yelped and hid inside the bag to avoid falling out. Chara sighed and turned to all the monsters who were looking at them weird.

"You're not Chara! They died with Prince Asriel years ago!" A little bunny kid said while pointing to Chara. The avengers were just surprised that Chara was able to be seen by the other monsters. Everyone began to chant that Chara wasn't who they really were. Chara groaned and rubbed the bridge of their nose in annoyance as Fresh suddenly got an idea. He walked over to Error and whispered in his ear. "Seriously? We don't have time for that!" Error yelled at Fresh in annoyance. Fresh sighed and folded his arms across his chest. "You got a better plan bro? These unrad monsters know only dat song." Fresh said, Error looked at Chara who looked like he was about to lose you. Error groaned in annoyance and opened a portal above Chara and something fell onto their head.

"OW!" Chara yelled and rubbed the spot and looked down at the object that had fallen down and saw a red bass guitar. They turned to Error and Fresh with a blunt look. "Your joking right?" Chara said as they picked up the base by the neck with an annoyed look. "I don't have time for this!" They said. "That's what I said!" Error said and sighed. "Look, they won't listen to me, Fresh or the humans. They sure as heck didn't listen to mister boots and sunshine over here either." Error said as he pointed at Papyrus and Mettaton. Chara looked at the base and held it properly.

"What's happening?" Fury asked as Chara sighed and tuned the guitar correctly and then looked at them. "Get ready for an extremely cheesy song." Chara said and strummed the strings a bit before turning the monsters and sighed.

Let's go to the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down

When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded!
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around

All the monsters stopped fighting as Chara continued to play, a red aura glowing around them.

Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes

Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

As Chara kept playing the monsters slowly walked out of their cells and watched as the aura around Chara formed into red devils horns but red angel wings. The avengers were confused until they looked at Error who was covering his eyes a little from the brightness. Fresh just gave them a thumbs up with a cheesy smile.

Go down to the ocean
The crystal tide is rising
Water's gotten higher
As the shore washes out

Flowey popped his head out of the bag as he suddenly saw the aura being formed into someone else. Flowey then saw the aura being formed into the one and only Asriel Dreemurr but he was holding a giant bouquet of buttercups.

Keep your eyes wide open
Even when the sun is blazing
The moon controls the tide
It could cause you to drown

The fake Asriel laughed and pulled out a flower crown from the bouquet and put it on Chara's head only to laugh a little when the flowers ended up falling on their face. Toriel and Asgore saw this and nearly started to cry.

Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes

Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

All the red aura started to fade as the song ended and the only thing that was left was Chara still holding the base. But before the fake Asriel disappeared, his theme played as he waved to Chara with a bright smile. Chara looked down at the base when suddenly both Toriel and Asgore tackled Chara with tears streaming down their faces. "WE MISSED YOU!" Both goat parents cried with over exaggerated tones as Chara looked like you just took their favorite knife and covered it in pink glitter and fake gemstones. "I hate to break up with a disgusting moment," Error said, everyone looked at him. "Not really, but their still is A Bette Noire above us, trying murder your sans, Gaster is trying to send her back and you have a giant green idiot under her control." He said, as if on cue, both Error and Fresh yelped as they began to glitch terribly.

A/n: Sorry I haven't finished the video yet or posted another chapter yet, highschool is being stupid and I still have several other stories that need to be updated.

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