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Boi, this is the 36th forking chapter. .....And y'all still like this book.





THANK YOU! Sorry about not being done with the dare video yet, my phone's screen broke while I was making it. But good news! Once I'm done finishing up this singing I'm making, it's right to the dare video! I am not ending this book before the video is done!

The avengers saw the pure hate and anger in Error's eyes as he tried to keep the glitching portal open. Blueberry began to laugh like a mad man as he attempted to slice and dice Betty who kept dodging narrowly with a glare plastered on her face as Dream had rose his hands in the air and black oozing tentacles sprouted out of the ground, causing Nick to groan with his arms folded across his head. "If they don't make us crash first, they might just do this job for us." Nick said, causing Chara to punch his shoulder really hard. He growled at them as he rubbed the spot Chara had punched while glaring at them. They all suddenly heard a loud screeching noise coming from the portal, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. But Dream seemed to be the most affected.

"Uh, what is wrong with the gold black one?" Thor asked as he pointed to Dream as darkened aqua ooze began to pour out of the portal. Error balled his hands together as the ooze began to laugh and take the form of the one and only, Nightmare Sans. His hands were in his jacket pockets as he revealed his one covered and uncovered ooze eye socket. "You called?" Nightmare said, but then he froze when he saw Blueberry going back trying to land a hit on Betty who used her scythe to deflect the attacks the most. "Wait, if he's here then...." Nightmare said and looked down to see a darkened gold ooze covered tentacle. "Dream?" Nightmare asked as he looked up at the source to see Dream who looked away with anger. "Mettaton is okay with help." Papyrus said as he dashed over to the avengers with his attacks in hand but stopped when he noticed the negative energy. "What are we doing?" Pap asked, Chara shushed him and looked ahead at the hate covered ooze.

"It's Shatter Dream, now Brother." Dream said coldly and dashed off to help Blue, this caused Papyrus to be heart broken. If those two are siblings, then would him and Sans turn out like that? Papyrus then suddenly remembered something and turned to see his Sans looking at the ground in exhaustion. Betty then punched the ground and caused Nightmare, Dream and Blue to be blasted far next to the Avengers. "If i'm going down, I'm bringing him with me!" Betty yelled and snapped her fingers. Hulk's eyes turned bright pink again and he continued to crush Sans again. This caused him to scream in agony, followed by Nightmare, Dream, Blue, Error and Fresh. The Avengers gasped as Pap started to glitch and started dashing to his brother. "LET MY BROTHER GO!" Papyrus yelled as his disbelief Underfell Au took over. Hulk saw this but remained motionless as The Avengers tried to distract Betty, Nick and Chara tried to shield the remaining monsters from the fight as they were either loaded on the loading stations, flew down to the ground or used any other abilities they had to get to the ground. Papyrus upper cutted the hulk, causing the hulk to let go of Sans who took deep breaths as he landed on the ground and became Fell from Underfell.

"Sans!" Edge yelled as Fell tried to push himself up and looked down at his chest to see a giant slash mark on his chest. Edge knelled down next to fell and a hand on his shoulder. Tony growled at Betty but stopped for a moment when he saw Fell was slowly turning into dust and Edge was powerless to do anything. "I'm going to make that human pay for what they did, I promise you this." Edge said and hugged Fell quickly as the monochrome Fresh stood next to Tony. I AM NOT SHIPPING THE SKELETON BROTHERS TOGETHER! I am shipping Sans au's and Papyrus au's. "Interesting." Fresh said bluntly. Tony looked down at Fresh with a raised brow. "Underfell never, never, I mean never shows this kind of Love towards each other." Fresh said, Tony looked over to see Blue was groaning as he sat up and set his hand on his forehead. The red in Blue's eyes was flickering as another figure came out of the portal that Error was struggling to keep opened.

The figure was revealed to be Dust Sans who seemed bored with a knife in his hands. He then looked around and his blunt expression turned to a worried expression when he saw Blue trying to stand but was doing so weakly. Dust then dashed over to Blue in a hurry, not even caring that he dropped his knife. "BLUE!" Dust yelled as he slid to a stop and grabbed Blue before Blue could fall. Dust set Blue on his bottom as Dust kneeled down next to Blue. "Are you good, what happened?" Dust asked as Blue looked at Dust and saw his flickering red pupils. "F*%^" Dust cursed as Blue looked at him. "Okay, here's what you're going to do. You're gonna go to Dream and get his jolly, positive a$$ out." Dust said with fear, Blue looked at Dream who was fighting with Nightmare about something as Error was struggling to keep the portal open. Blue stood up with a blue attack in hand and a happy look on Blue's face as he looked down at Dust.

"Sure thing, hun." Blue said and dashed off to the two siblings, leaving a really flustered Dust on the ground. He growled as he stood up and glared at Blue who was snickering playfully. "WE AGREED YOU WON'T DO THAT WHEN WERE FIGHTING!" Dust yelled as he held his knife and pointed it at Blue. Fresh saw this and laughed a little. Tony looked at Fresh who slowly began to have color. But then Fresh had stopped, shook his head and the colors away. "No, no way am I going to be like those guys." Fresh growled to himself. Tony got the idea and looked at Fresh's glass that was now just black.

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