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Papyrus sat in his cell, looking down the halls to see if anything or anyone was coming. He started getting bored and leaned against the wall in boredom. He saw the camera and got up to look at it.

"Can you at least show me some sign that he's okay?" Papyrus asked the camera but as expected, he got no reply. He sighed, looked at the wall, then he heard the door behind him open. He turned to see two guards and Nat but now she was wearing a t-shirt with jeans.

"Don't cuff him." Nat said, Papyrus folded his arms against his chest. "Come with us." She said, Papyrus sighed and followed along. He looked to his left and to his right sometimes to see a few children hugging their parents. "It was nice of you to let the children stay with their parents." Papyrus said with a smile.

"Were not monsters." She said, he blinked at her. But kept quiet as he walked. He soon passed Undyne who was banging her head on the wall. He then was stopped as Nat pushed a few buttons to open a door. He looked up to see a white plus on top of a red circle. They walked in and Papyrus saw many of the sick or injured humans.

"You know, if you let some of us monsters out of our cells, we could use our healing magic." Papyrus said. "You guys can heal others?" Nat asked, Papyrus nodded with glee.

"Every monster has a special trait. While Sans can teleport, I can see the good in people. Sans says it's an amazing power!" Papyrus said, Nat smirked and stopped at a door. "Okay, when we enter this room, you have to be careful. I brought you here for three reasons. One, we don't know much about your kind and two." She paused and opened the door and made Papyrus gasp. "I figured you'd want to see him." She said, Papyrus smiled with tears as he saw his brother in the medical bed.

"Is he any better?" Papyrus asked, Sans then started glitching again. "The glitching is also another reason why I brought you here." She said as Papyrus walked over to Sans and sat on a seat next to the bed. "Is that normal?"

"No, but I did see human Frisk do it one time when they-" He paused for a moment. "When they..." He put his hand over his neck and rubbed the spot. "I feel like I should be remembering something, but I can't." He said.

"Does it have to evolve genocide?" She asked, as she said those words, Papyrus glitched and became his orange hoodie self again. "Of course it would! The kid took a genocide route and murdered-" He stopped and glitched again and went back to his normal UT self. "W-what was that?"

"That's what I was going to ask." Nat said.

"I don't know. I just suddenly felt like everyone's roles were switched and that I was in Sans' role. But when I think of genocide, I hear a creepy child laughing who's carrying a knife." He said, Nat sighed and looked at Sans. "We don't know how your brother eats, we had hoped you did." She said, Papyrus looked at his brother.

"He never really opens his mouth, so he absorbs all the food and ketchup that he drinks or drinks." Pap said with a smile and took a tube. "This is suppose to go into a human skin to keep them hydrated, yes?" He asked, she nodded. He hummed in thought before simply putting it on Sans arm. Green little particles then appeared as it went onto his bones. A bar came up upon Sans head. 0.0001/1, Papyrus looked horrified until the HP started going up until it was at half way.

"Is something wrong?" Nat asked, Papyrus sighed before he told Nat about Sans's "condition". "Was he born like that?" "I would assume, whenever I asked him, he just told me he didn't know. He also said he never knew our parents so it was up to him to be an adult and care for me." He said before sighing. "Everything he does is to protect us. He may not know it, but I know his secret job."

"Which is?"

"That he's the royal judge." Papyrus said, Nat looked at Sans. "Something confuses me though." She said, Papyrus looked at Nat with confusion. "If your brother has so much power, how does he blow it off with a smile and act lazy?" She asked, Papyrus sighed and looked at his brother.

"I don't know. Truth be told, when he was glitching out back on the mountain and showing off those attacks, I had never seen such rage and power." Papyrus said and looked at his hands. "He's always acting like he's fine but he doesn't realize I will be okay with whatever he tells me." He said, Nat looked at Sans.

"But is he ready?" She asked, he looked at her. "Many people have secrets that they aren't ready to reveal, maybe he's just trying to find the right time." She said and smirked. "That might be it." He said, then they heard the door open behind them and see Fury. He turned to Papyrus who looked nervous before glaring at Nat.

"Romanoff. I need to see you in my office. Now." He said and turned to the guards. "Take the monster back to it's cell." He said, they nodded as Papyrus sighed. "No need for cuffs. I'm coming." Papyrus said and got up. "See you in the morning brother!" Papyrus said with a fake smile as he turned to Sans. He then walked out as Nat leaned on Sans bed frame. "Thank you." Papyrus said with a cheery smile and walked out of her view. Nat sighed and turned to Sans sleeping form.

"How do you do it?" She asked as she folded her arms. "How do you keep up this act when in reality you're breaking?" She asked, Sans then chuckled quietly. Nat's eyes went wide as he slowly opened his eyes. "Y-you already know h-how." He said before slowly closing his eyes again.

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