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"This is the guy who keeps the multiverse in balance?" Nat asked, Ink blinked at her. "What's with the vials?" She asked, he gripped the vials satch. "None of your beeswax." He said coldly, the room suddenly had a dark presence. "But," He said and the room went back to normal. "why did you need to talk to me?" Ink asked as he jumped off his brush.

"I need you to fix the void." Strange said, Ink narrowed his eyes and his pupils became a red diamond and a grey square and the room once again became dark. "You seriously don't think we've been trying that?! I can patch it together but I need Core!Frisk to check it and Error to use his strings to make it stay together." He explained.

"Why do you need Frisk?" Steve asked, Ink sighed and rubbed his closed eye sockets in annoyance as Strange was about to speak. "Not your Frisk. Core! Frisk, they take care of monsters who don't have an AU or timeline." Ink explained and looked at the group. Dr. Strange nodded to this. "Then why are you here?" Steve asked, Ink pointed at Nat.

"Before someone launched him into a bottomless pit, Error left one of his strings on the back of the card your friend has. I used it to track which AU he was in and followed the string. Assuming he was with you." Ink said, Nat dug into her pocket and pulled out a glowing blue string. "Smart." Dr. Strange said and grabbed the string.

"Yeah, so can I have him back now?" Ink asked as Strange studied the string. That's a lot of S's "You're positive he won't hurt anyone?" Strange asked, Ink hummed in thought as he grabbed his chin before sighing. "At this point, I don't even know if Sans took his spot back." Ink said and set the bristle of his brush onto the ground. He then made a giant circle on the ground. Ink then grabbed a smaller paint brush and started painting the sides of it. Once Ink was done, the painting turned into a giant marshmallow. "Ta da! Just make sure Error or Classic lands on this and we should be good." Ink said.

"Okay." Strange said and made the portal above the marshmallow. Then a seriously glitching form appeared. "What the-" The glitch then stopped when a black cloak took form. A scythe then appeared in Sans hand but he seemed to be sleeping. "Who is-"

"This is Death." Ink interrupted Thor. "Don't touch him or else you'll die." Ink whispered. Death opened his eye sockets and moved his head to the group. "Jeez, you look like you got a good death on your hands." Death said, Ink snickered a bit. Death then looked at the marshmallow. "This sweet is white, like my soul." He said Ink started laughing while Nat smacked her forehead. Death then looked at himself. "Welp, looks like my time has come." He said, Ink now fell onto the floor, kicking his legs into the air.

"That last one was a bit funny." Thor said as Death glitched away and was replaced with the normal snoring Sans. Strange got up and looked at Sans and then Ink who was taking deep breaths and holding his ribs. "How is he sleeping at a time like this?" Strange asked, Ink got up and walked over to Sans. He poked his cheek and Sans eye sockets flew wide open as he sat up.

"Uh, Classic?" Ink asked, Sans looked at his hands and then around him. "This place is full of magic. Monster and human kind alike." Sans said, Strange raised a brow. "Yes, how could you tell?" Strange asked as Sans got off the marshmallow. "This would probably have to be the first time you slept without one of your nightmares!" Ink said with a smile. Sans chuckled and put his hands in the jacket before turning to Ink and the others.

"So, I'm assuming you know where your father is?" Strange asked, all the happiness and joy was wiped from Sans face from the mention of Gaster. "Even if I did, I wouldn't say. That pile of bones deserves where he's rotting." Sans said as he glared at the ground. "You didn't know?" Ink asked, Sans looked at Ink. "Gaster escaped the void. That's why you're glitching out so bad." Ink said, Sans eye sockets went empty as he stepped back.

"Sans?" Steve asked as Sans brought his hands to his head. "But how?! Once you fall into the core, no one can escape. If h-hes back who k-knows what he'll d-do to me. What h-he'll do t-'' Sans stopped when he realized something. "What he'll do to Paps." He whispered. "Your father saved you." Strange said, Sans looked at him. "He healed you when Clint's arrow reached your soul." Sans then started laughing.

"Nah, you don't know him like I used to. He has no soul, he only cares about himself!" Sans said, Ink looked guilty. "Fun fact! Did you know when I used magic, I used to have two glowing eyes?! After he did his projects on me and Paps, I lost one eye! I was a kid!" Sans yelled. "That's not true. You told me you never knew him." Nat said, Ink then rubbed the back of his neck. "What is it, tiny skeleton?" Thor said to Ink. "Don't get too mad, but when a monster falls into the core, it's almost like they never existed." Ink said as looked at the ground. "When they fall in, they go into the void, they can get out if they understand the rules of the void."

"Which there aren't any." Strange said, Ink nodded. "Papyrus was only a little scared kid when Sans-" Ink said and looked at Sans. "And I don't regret it. He deserved what was coming to him." Sans said and folded his arms while looking away from the group. "Well, you're gonna have to help us find him. He's the only one who knew how to open the void so he could get out." Strange said, Sans rolled his eyes.

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